My Mups

I know I’ve been banging on about all this, and I am sorry if I bore the pants off people - but I have only got you lot here to tell!

That’s my excuse for being an incurable gas-bag anyway. :smiley:

What good news mups. Well worth the money and the journey. Just got Mondays results to get and you will have peace of mind.

I think in times of worry and stress we all need a sounding board, and that’s what forums are for!

Glad everything’s ok so far :001:

Mups & Mups - what wonderful news!

I certainly feel more positive now Tabs, BUT, if the Lungworm test comes back as negative as well, it still doesn’t explain why her platelets are low.

I am still wondering if it could possibly be because of the blood she lost when she tore that claw out of its socket. It didn’t half bleed.
I may be wrong of course, but I will pursue it until I find the answer.

Fantastic news Mupsy. :041:

I have been known to have green fly and a touch of the red spider mites.

You are not boring anyone Mups, that’s why we are here for you.

See? This is why I stay on this forum . . because you are all lovely. Thank you everyone. x x

Well I have just got the last of little Mups results back this morning - the lungworm ones.

The lovely lady at the lab has tested for:

Dog Lungworm
Fox lungworm
Hedgehog lungworm
and something called French Heartworm.’

Once again she is clear of everything. All results Negative.

I have decided no way am I dosing her with the Advocate now. I have read so many reports of this chemical burning their skin and I am not prepared to dose her for no reason.
I have emailed both lots of reports to my vet for his perusal now and will see him on Thursday to discuss everything.

To say I am a very happy bunny today is playing it down … I am ecstatic. I am so glad I got these tests done.

Brilliant news Mups!

Mups that is great news.:slight_smile: I wonder if it would be a
good idea to recheck her platelet count in a couple of weeks…because that would prove that it was most likely to have been caused by the the blood loss from her claw.

I have just put a bottle of Rose wine in my fridge, to celebrate this evening!:mrgreen:

I thought much the same Twink.
I have emailed him copies all the lab reports, and am seeing him on Thursday, so will put forward that idea to him then.

I’ll be there about 7.30 to open that wine with you. :smiley:

Thanks very much Nicol also. :smiley:

The lab are sending me a reminder in 3 months for re-testing if I wish, but I think I will get the others done as well next time. Then I shall no the exact position of all of them.

Oh Mups that’s fantastic news, I’m so pleased for you and little Mups :slight_smile:

More good news, I’m so pleased for you Mups! :smiley:

Thankyou Leia and Mags. :slight_smile:

I shall be seeing my vet on Thursday, so we’ll see what he has to say then.

The laboratory lady asked me which vets I use and when I told her, she said she does quite a lot of work with livestock for them, she knows them well apparently. She said they are excellent.
So this is all a mystery and the only conclusion I can come to at the mo, is it was something to do with the blood loss when she injured her paw, but I might be wrong.

Oh Mups - that is wonderful news. Have a hug - and one for furry Mups as well !

Thanks Tabs. Hugs are always appreciated. :slight_smile:

Mups, That is great news and l’m sure a huge relief for you.

I know, you think your vet is the greatest but how come you, with no Veterinary qualifications, can achieve quicker results and maybe a simpler diagnosis than he can?

Such good news. I am so pleased for you Mups… and Mups of course.