My 1st Blood Donation

Hello Everybody; Will Be Doing My 1st Blood Donation On September 21st.
I Am Feeling Proud Of Myself For Doing This :face_holding_back_tears:


Well one Diane :023:

I hate needles otherwise I would do it too :lol:

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I would have donated gallons of my blood over the years, if it wasn’t for the fact I can’t stand needles.


That’s great, Didi!

I am proud of you too! As a mom whose daughter benefitted from any number of blood products during her long illness THANK YOU! :hugs:


I donate blood to medical research and for students to play with. The blood transfusioner are not interested in it, I’ve got blood cancer, too much of the stuff and not of the finest quality.


When I worked for the NCB the blood suckers would come around every 6months for volunteers.It gave you a break from work for an hour or two and a cup of tea and a biscuit(mince pie at Xmas) nothing altruistic on my part.I did continue with it after I left the NCB for some years until I got too old.


Looked In Vein. And Cruella arrived.
Syringe Silo
‘Ouch’. That waz. An Arm Full. :innocent:


Brill ^5 >>

Whistle-Blower. :rofl: All the way to the Dart Board.


Well done for going ahead with it :clap::clap::clap: unlike some other wooses just because of the small canula involved.
As you visit again again and again, you will be given small tokens of appreciation right up until you gain one of these :point_down: although I not sure these are still given out.


My father had one of those but he had quite a rare blood group so


Good for you Didi! I managed one whole blood donation followed by 66 platelet donations before I had to give up due to contracting severe heart failure.

I started at work when the “blood-wagon” came around, then switched to visiting the local blood donor centre at a nearby hospital because it needed specialised machines to separate the platelets then pump back what wasn’t needed. I used to take a book, my laptop, and a picnic as it meant being hooked up for up to 90 minutes.

Whole blood/red blood cells can be stored for up up to 42 days.
Blood plasma can be frozen and stored for up to a year.
Platelets, often used for cancer patients, lasts only five to seven days.

Blood is a finite resource, and is always in short supply, which is why donations are constantly needed.

Again, well done. You are a life saver.

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Well done you!

I am unable to donate sadly. I had a blood transfusion during the period they were using contaminated blood so they refused mine.

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He is a member of my club then as I too was born with a rare group plus a a lack antigen D which means my donations were deeply sought after as only about 20% of my group lack the D-
:point_right:To prevent unwanted transfusion reactions and production of alloantibody, Rh D negative girls and women of child bearing potential should not be transfused with Rh D positive red cells except in an emergency.
There were some other properties that made mine highly sought after, but I can’t remember what those were as I no longer visit due to my age.

As a PS 
 I bet those who do not donate would be a grateful recipient if a transfusion proved to be needed. Which of course would involve the needles they claim to live in fear of; double standards IMO


<<< Arrived in the Rolls Royce. Chauffer opened the door. Shunted into the VIP Suite She >>
Syringe Silo
Said. “Sling yer Hook Sunshine. We are already drowning in. Too Much BLUE Blood”. :innocent:

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Hi Everybody; well 5 days to go till I do my 1st Blood Donation :slightly_smiling_face:


Well done Didi :slightly_smiling_face: donating blood is such a valuable act. I donated for years and got a little badge to say thank you .
I had to stop donating when I became ill and needed a permanent cocktail of horrible drugs .

I used to enjoy going, it was a break from a busy life when I could lay back and meditate for a little while before having tea and biscuits and a chat with some lovely people. :slightly_smiling_face: