MOTD, Lineker and 'outrage'

Out of a very long post is that really all you could comment on, what about commenting on this, which was the main point of my post:

Lineker’s truculence, though, may have deeper motivation than simply a desire of an alpha male to stay at the head of the pack. According to iNews and other sources, the presenter is embroiled in a long-standing dispute with the tax authorities over the status of his relationship with the BBC.

Lineker would have it that he is an independent contractor, which enables him to avoid income tax, with the sum of £4.9 million on the table. But to convince the tax man that this is the case, the presenter needs successfully to argue that he is not subject to the same level of control as BBC employees, that he is not controlled, he’s not supervised and he’s not effectively managed.

To that effect his ability to express personal and political views on social media, without sanction, is an important part of his case, which means that for him to climb down and obey the BBC’s instructions “to keep well away from taking sides on party-political issues or political controversies” could lose him his case, and potentially cost him the best part of £5 million plus whatever additional sum he has so far avoided paying.

Whether Lineker’s fellow mutineers are likewise motivated has not been disclosed, but this additional dimension transcends any claim Lineker might have of this simply being a freedom of speech issue.

The presenter now has looming what might be uncomfortable choice of walking away from the three years remaining of his present contract with the BBC – worth £1.35 million a year – or coughing up a hefty sum to the tax man. For Lineker, this looks to be a lose-lose situation, although license-fee payers might be glad to see the back of him.

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If the numbers are right and the assumptions are true, which I really doubt any journalist would know accurately, that’s an easy decision. 5 million is more than 3x 1.35 million on which he has to pay tax and work three years for. If standing his ground actually allows him to keep the 5 million, that’s an easy choice.

Glad to see the BBC have backed down, apologised and will be reinstating Gary Lineker.


Right decision of course. I expect the BBC are sorry they ever started this, particularly as it has affected their reputation internationally.
They need to pay Gary Lineker compensation, but if they do it will be in secret.

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I see most people, including those at the BBC, disagree with the assessment you kindly shared. Out of interest, which idiot wrote the piece you shared and so clearly got the summary of this all wrong? And which idiot publication printed it?

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I can’t help wondering if this plot runs deeper though

The Tories would love to privatise or get rid of the BBC as well as the other institutions that make our country great, like the NHS and the Trade Unions

So Johnson puts in Sharp and magically gets gets an £800k back scratch. Tim Davies is part of the Tory chumocracy and had them salivating when he promised to crack down on jibes against the Tories

So these two flying monkeys crack down on Lineker, fully knowing there would be backlash

So was it done ever believing it would stick?

Or was it all deliberate to further damage the Beeb’s reputation, especially with liberal or left-wing thinkers who would usually support them

Just part of the plot to privatise the BBC?

Ooh, such a devious mind you have! :rofl: - but the way this government has been carrying on, it’s no wonder folk are so sceptical! :wink:


The other issue is, how much do we want employers be able to restrict their employees right to express their opinions?

Gary Lineker isn’t even an employee, he was stating his own opinion, not claiming he spoke for the BBC and what he said wasn’t anti-semitic, just a criticism of the government, which is something we should all be entitled to do

So is it right that the BBC, controlled by Tody shoe-ins try to silence him

And in a way it’s OK for Lineker, he’s rich and famous and can fight it

But what about Joe and Jill Bloggs who work down the road in a shop with Tory owners. Is it OK for those owners to tell them they can’t criticise the government publicly or they get sacked?


I haven’t seen the BBC disagreeing so maybe you’d be kind enough to find a link to share with us in the same way as I do instead of just making dubious claims.

And if you had read the article you’d clearly have seen where they got their information from:

According to iNews and other sources, the presenter is embroiled in a long-standing dispute with the tax authorities over the status of his relationship with the BBC.

And this is from May 2021:

Gary Lineker’s political tweets could help the presenter avoid a £4.9m tax bill, as part of a continuing dispute about whether he should be classed as a freelance worker for the BBC and BT Sport.

The Match of the Day host is involved in a long-running legal case over whether he owes substantial back taxes relating to his work as a presenter during the mid-2010s, following fellow TV presenters Eamonn Holmes and Lorraine Kelly in facing showdowns with HMRC over their employment status.

Lineker, who until recently was the BBC’s highest-earning star on £1.75m a year, invoiced the broadcasters through a partnership called Gary Lineker Media, which was run with his ex-wife Danielle Bux.

Similar arrangements using limited companies often allow individuals to avoid paying income tax and national insurance contributions, with income instead taxed through a business as a corporate entity. HMRC has argued that in many cases company status has been abused by people who are in effect long-term employees seeking to reduce their tax

The former England football captain is now being pursued for £3,621,736 in income tax and £1,313,755 in national insurance contributions, relating to work carried out between the 2013-14 and 2017-18 tax years.

A source close to Lineker accused HMRC of threatening the presenter with the prospect of bad publicity in an attempt to make him settle and claimed that the real disputed sum between income tax already paid and tax claimed is less than £500,000 – substantially lower than the headline figures suggest.

The individual also said that the BBC and BT Sport had separately concluded Lineker was a genuine independent contractor for tax purposes and that unlike many presenters he had used an unincorporated partnership to manage his earnings: “If tax avoidance was his motive he’d do it through a company.”

Despite this, Yvonne Gallagher, a partner at lawyers Harbottle & Lewis, said Lineker could struggle to prove that Gary Lineker Media was providing BBC and BT Sport with a service unrelated to the star, since the business could not simply send someone else to present Match of the Day if Lineker did not feel like turning up.

Instead, if Lineker wanted to avoid paying a large retrospective tax bill, Gallagher said he would need to prove that he was a true freelance worker who had control over his work life that went beyond that of a typical BBC or BT Sport employee.

“He will have to produce evidence that shows he is genuinely an independent contractor, that he is not controlled, he’s not supervised, he’s not effectively managed,” she said. “Fundamentally the test is: if you did not have the service company in the way, would he look like an employee of the people he’s working for?”

Lineker’s Twitter account, which has caused many headaches for BBC management with the former footballer’s strong views on Brexit and the Conservative government, could form part of the case that he was not a traditional employee bound by traditional rules.

“Lineker can argue that he is not subject to the same level of control as BBC employees given his apparent freedom to express personal and political views on social media,” said Gallagher, while cautioning that she believes the odds are stacked against him. “[HMRC] can’t afford to lose a high-profile case. They wouldn’t be bringing it without a high degree of confidence.”

Although the Lineker tax case began in 2019, it was only reported this week when court documents were made public. The case has been delayed due to Covid-19 restrictions and a final ruling is unlikely this year.

The tax office has increasingly cracked down on personal service companies with a range of tribunal cases targeting high-profile individuals in the media, such as This Morning host Holmes, who is facing a £250,000 bill.

*However, it has not been entirely successful. In one infamous case the ITV presenter Lorraine Kelly successfully appealed against a £1.2m tax bill after arguing that she could turn down work when she wanted to, and was merely performing the role “of a friendly, chatty and fun personality” called Lorraine Kelly when she appeared on her eponymous show each morning.**emphasised text

In the public eye things are not always what they seem, and you are right to be sceptical Maree.
We have probably all been sent a ‘curved ball’ (pun intended)

The trouble with that is, that nobody would listen or take any notice of Jill and Joe…They haven’t used the BBC as a mouthpiece and to become famous. Gary only gets a following on social media due to his exposure on TV. BBC to be precise.

They do Maree, people have been sacked or not employed after a search of their social media activity by the company.

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Sorry but this has nothing to do with Lineker’s taxes and everything to do with a tory government who uses language that is plainly inflammatory to justify legislation, both of which are aimed to stir up distraction away from their real issues. In the meantime, it fans the flames of hate. We saw this when people aggressively were demonstrating outside a hotel used to house immigrants. As they happily ignore the 500+ immigrant children taken from UK streets. You get to that level of misplaced anger when government’s start bandying around inflammatory words.
Now someone can develop a notion that Lineker has been doing all this to prove a point to the tax man. And what’s funny is that some will say “hah, I told you so”. Whilst most will think “so Lineker is going to use a tweet as evidence of his distance from the BBC rather than the fact that he has multiple other business interests and works on this contractor basis elsewhere”. Yup, your article is so very convincing. Not.

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It seems that we can’t enjoy football any more without controversy.
A shame!

Hard to tell why these people lower themselves to
twitter and Facebook ect, brings them down to
Donald Trump level

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Crumbs you don’t half come out with some verbal diarrhoea sometimes. If he paid his taxes we might be able to support housing our own veterans who are living on the streets whilst the illegal immigrants are put up in hotels.

And do you really think that the hotels they are put up in are as bad as the concentration camps the jews were put in.

I don’t know where you get the idea that the BBC is a tory broadcasting company…All broadcasting companies are under the watchful eye of OFCOM. They, and they alone are responsible for the the things you see on TV, and the things you don’t see…House of Lords perhaps, being as that’s where most of the OFCOM directors come from.

“Only a socialist demonises businesses and profits” from another thread. Of course I’ve never posted anything to imply I am a socialist. He made that up.

From this thread. Of course I never even hinted at the immigrant accommodation being like a concentration camp. You made that up.

From above. Of course I never said that the BBC is tory outlet. You made that up.
Crivens, people, can we perhaps do a little less of making empty assumptions and a lot less of putting words into other’s posts? Why do you think it helps your argument to make wild claims about others? It doesn’t. It does the opposite. I’m not offended, btw, just amused that my posts have got you so riled that you feel the need to resort to such tactics.

On my part Strath, its quite a reasonable observation…You have mentioned on previous posts that the BBC is right facing and are a puppet of the tory government.

You’re in support of what Lineker said.

I put the beeb on every morning, it keeps me “Regular”. :grin: :icon_wink:

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