Misleading environment information - IMO


From that article I can not see how this even compares

According to the report, estimates from the California Air Resources Board show that using a commercial leaf blower for one hour produces as much smog-forming pollution as driving 1,100 miles in a car.

My leaf blower use less than a gallon in an hour.
My vehicle gets around 12 miles to the gallons, on a good day. They are saying, driving 1100 mile, using a little less the 100 gallons of fuel (approximately 400 liters) is better then using a leaf blower for an hour.

IMO - they just lied to me, then why would I listen to someone, on anything else they have to say.


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One places says:

How much CO2 does a leaf blower produce?
Roughly 25 pounds of CO2 are emitted per gallon of gasoline

Then the other stays:

A 25 lb CO2 tank contains 25 lbs of compressed carbon dioxide (CO2). This amount of CO2 can fill around 50 kegs of homebrew that are 5 gallons each.

And making comparisons they compare 2 cycle engines to 4 cycle engines. Should they compare 2 cycles to 2 cycles and 4 cycle to 4 cycle?

did they note that most leaf blower have 2 stoke engines , so the fuel is about 25 percent of 2 stroke oil and 75 percent of petrol. A car engine is 100 percent petrol or diesel

Oh that link doesn’t work by the way

The hand held are normally 2 cycle but the back pack models are mostly 4 cycle. And they kept referencing the commercial use back packs.

Not speaking of blowers but a weed wacker will easily last a hour in a quart of mixed fuel.

What! I don’t think so - my whipper snipper used 50:1 ratio of petrol to oil, 25% oil would smoke like buggery.

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Can’t find a car that is still made that runs on a 2 stroke engine but there are still motorcycles with 2 stroke engines.

Bottom line, comparing 2 stroke to a 4 stroke engine just doesn’t work. Sort of comparing a turbine engine to a car engine.

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While leaf blowers may/may not be air polluting, they certainly are noisy. What ever happened to using a rake? Not only are they quiet, but you get some exercise as well. Think of the gym fees you can save!
And then you don’t have to argue with others about whether they pollute or not. :smiley:

Yes leaf blowers are loud, that is why hearing protection is recommended.

I have exercise equipment I use all the time: shovel, spade, rake, sledge hammer, post hole digger, tankers bar, ax, hand saws, numerous hammers, pich fork, grain shovel and a lot more tools. Just naming a few pieces of my exercise equipment.
Move 80 lbs bales of hay, move a ton of feed in 50 lbs bags.
I was asked a few weeks ago where I went to work out and I told them “home”.
Doing a lot of work by hand, I don’t have to use my tractors as much.

Makes me want to go out and burn all these old tires I have stacked up. One day.

Not quite sure the point of this

yes x might be more polluting and use less fuel or whatever than y but they still both do so and our aim should be to use less whenever possible - ie dont drive the car when there are alternatives and don’t use a leaf blower when you could just use a broom or rake.

It isnt some pick one only scenario

The point is a professional thinks that, a quart of mixed fuel causes more pollution then 90 gallons of gas.
Goes to show “again”, how little the supposed professionals know.
It reminds me of something else the professionals got wrong.

Is it the “professionals” or just a journalist misunderstanding data on a slow news day?

(…or even an irate scribbler who’s neighbour annoys the hell out of them for using a leaf blower early on a Sunday morning?)

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Because of the Size of our Plo which has many Trees… apart from leaf blowers have electric and a fuel type of course a rake and those hands like Kenny Everett showed off many time

we purchased one of these tis like pushing a pram about really…exercise thrown in…

mmmm butter all dripping off the edges…
EZ when you post a youtube video for example like music you click on Share and Click Copy so it highlights and turns blue…then look for the page you started on and paste it …and post direct on here…not via the picture sign above…little practicing and your’ll suss it Easy

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It is not that we don’t get leaves falling or blown off trees but most native trees,certainly where I live, are evergreen and don’t shed leaves in winter so it really isn’t a problem here.

Actually I do have a blower but it doesn’t use petrol, it is battery powered.

I didn’t buy it as a leaf blower, I got it for tidying those hard to reach places in the garage/workshop or my shed but found it also works well blowing grass off the footpath when I conscientiously :wink: trim the edges.


Hope your back eases up Brucie…experienced many bad episodes from a real young age and although was trumatic at the time I had to face back surgery but luckily it worked really well for me…Micro surgery luckily as was quite a new thing at that time… was 1986 in Atkinson Morley Specialised Hospital that mainly delt with spines and brain injuries…Care there was unbelievable and when the surgeons had a break god only knows as they seem to be always on Call.

Huge brush to tar all proffesionals with because one got something wrong or it was reported wrongly

Good point. Most likely an activist or not, misconscrewing information to have a story fall in their favor. And IMO it is done equally, by both sides, to get people to believe their side.

WOW! Now that’s some workout! I know I couldn’t do half of what you do.