Memoirs of a cyclist

What about your bell end? :mrgreen:

Ding dong!!:lol::lol:

Lion Queen, Really!..:blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :blush: :smiley:

While I was on my ride, I stumbled across the lost entrance to the Silkstone Tunnel. They say that something unspeakable dwells within, but I couldn’t be bothered to scramble down the bank to take a look. I had just reached the top of a rather steep hill, and I wasn’t keen on climbimg it again.


Ack, you big spoilsport! Fancy showing this mysterious cave thing, and not bothering to explore it! It could be stash of treasure or anything! :shock:

I was not equipped for such an expedition, Pixie. I will return with a torch and a big stick.

Yes do that. I want video evidence! :twisted: :smiley:

I don’t do videos, Pixie. We need a specialist for that, and preferably one who doesn’t mind filming when there’s nothing worth seeing. I don’t suppose you know of such a person, do you? :expressionless:

:017: lemme think for a moment…Hmmm…well, there might be someone but I think they are busy with other projects at the minute! :104:

How disappointing. :frowning:

Well…these professionals y’know…they can’t be all places at all times… :shock:

And yet they still manage to turn up in too many places. :017:

Well thats the nature of it, Harbal…you need to be there, to capture the moment, the event, so that no matter what happens, you will always have it for years to come! :smiley:

To change the subject for a moment, Pixie, that’s the outcome I am hoping for regarding my cupboard.

I jolly well hope so too! No point in having it all organised then it falls back down again. You do have it organised I assume…?

The wheels are in motion, Pixie, and I’m sure somebody is bound to have it organised. :023:

I hope you’re not suggesting what I think you are…:018:

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Are you saying I’m suggestive, Foxy?! :shock: :smiley:

I don’t know what you are suggesting yet Pixie…:shock::smiley: