Man receives pig's heart in transplant

Oh goodness, I’d better stop eating lamb then :rofl:

You don’t give me the impression that anyone can pull the wool over your eyes Sheba…

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Oh very good Foxy!! (But you’d be surprised…)

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@Bread , Good points Bread !
But l still don’t believe we need to prolong human lives whilst
we are still breeding at the rate we are ??
It don’t make sense to me !?
Donkeyman! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

Well, prolonging lives can only go so far until the rest of the body gives up. Transplants are only given when there is a high chance of a good outcome.

Also we need to look at children, young adults etc and transplants that improve life as opposed to prolonging it (such as eye transplants etc - just as an example).


Or for experimental purposes.

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