Man receives pig's heart in transplant

I’ve just had a lettuce, tomato, red pepper, and cucumber wrap…no bacon in it…sorry, BS off topic.

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Yes, yours is definitely the voice of reason, Maree! I really can’t argue with it, only that it saddens me that we have found yet another way to exploit animals. And yes, I know, that’s how we have survived so long as the dominant species on the planet. But it doesn’t stop it feeling wrong somehow.


We give little thought to those whose lives we consider to be less than our own. It is shameful, but I think only when done for sport or fun. Nature does have a food chain, and truth told I prefer being at the top. :smiley:

I get the feeling that it’s feels a bit wrong.

But really, if you wear a leather jacket or carry a leather handbag, for instance, is it any different wearing a bit of dead animal on the outside to having a bit inside to keep you alive?

You’d want the animals bred for this to be treated kindly and with respect during their short lives, though


I’m uncomfortable with it but it’s the way forward into the future . I’m telling myself if it gives someone a better quality of life then so be it . Not for me though

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I think it is also the ‘genetically modified’ bit I am not comfortable with, too.

I wonder if one day in the distant future, we will use genetically modified humans as experimental donors too? I mean, where will it all end?

We kill these poor animals every day though, purely to feed our faces, not even for any health reasons.
I really don’t know how I feel about this, but my first thoughts were No. Its so wrong.


At the moment I think I feel the same as you do Susan. Having said that, however, if it wasn’t for an oil-derived synthetic textile called Dacron, I probably wouldn’t be here today. The Dacron I’m referring to are the stents I have in my arteries.


I’m not sure that’s a good comparison though Percy?
An innocent animal didn’t lose it’s life for you.
I am glad they found Dacron to help you though.

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I’m not sure either but it does go towards showing how improvements in health care progress I suppose.

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@ Bread, Yeah, like pigs brains for Alzheimer’s eh ??
Donkeyman! :-1::grin::-1:

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I think I’d rather pass … whether it was a human heart or a genetically engineered pig’s heart.

I know, deep down, I would never feel right with any organ inside me that was not my own … I’d find it creepy. I’d rather die.
I’d have trouble having someone else’s blood if I ever needed a transfusion.

But even in a wider sense … it doesn’t seem right breeding animals for human replacement parts.
We’re a strange breed we humans … we shout ‘save the whales’ … and use ‘dolphin friendly’ nets whilst tuna fishing but in reality, we’re a bunch of hypocrites.


Good post Morti. I like your reasoning.

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Yes, good post Morti. I think what it all boils down to for many of us is this: whatever we use animals for, be it food, clothing, bags or even body parts, we would all feel a lot more comfortable if we knew beyond doubt that they were well treated, and didn’t suffer pain on our behalf.

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I think I may have read that were they all Bonobos?

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I wonder if it’s the novel/film I’m thinking of where children had been cloned for spare parts surgery. Japanese author.
Kiera Knightly was in the film…and Carey Mulligan.
Just remembered it was called Never Let Me Go

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My mum was into Theosophy and Spiritualism and ‘stuff’ and I can remember her saying to me many years ago … 'Oh no, you can’t have any animal parts in humans as it’s a step backwards for us when we should be evolving and developing spiritually…
As I said …‘But a great leap forward for the piggy then.’

She wasn’t half a snob over some things my mum , bless her.
I wonder how mainstream religions would view it.

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I wonder if other animal species would be grown and offered for those who won’t touch Pork on religious grounds, or whether those people would make an exception and accept the piggy heart/kidneys/liver or any other parts, if it would save their life? Just musing . . .

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The BBC’s Health Editor said “Pig hearts are anatomically similar to human hearts”, which I’m assuming means other animals’ hearts are not.

So, sorry all you pigs, but you’re the chosen ones I’m afraid, chosen to serve us in even more ways than you’ve been doing for years. Let’s hope there’s a place in Heaven reserved for you. Oh wait, no there won’t be, because apparently you don’t have souls. Oh well that’s all right then :roll_eyes:

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@Bathsheba, What are souls ??
Whereabouts are they situated in our body ??
The only soul l know is on my shoes !!
Donkeyman! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: