Liver and Onions as a meal. Are you a fan? Love or hate it?

Bangers and mash is a sound favourite for me. As for liver and onions, :face_vomiting:

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:+1: yes, I’m a fan

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I love liver and onions - with mashed potato, Urtunately nobody else likes it so I rarely do it.

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It’s liver dinner for tomorrow night, with just a couple different side
dishes which will be Asparagus and stir fry :wink:

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It’s time for a homemade Liver and Onions Dinner :hugs:

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Love beef liver & onions, smothered with gravy, you can hold the mash potatoes.

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We have it regularly … made with chicken livers.

Onion, garlic, livers, seasoning, paprika, pinch of chilly flakes, wok’d. Then add a little water/wine and simmer.

love it

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Good grief, no! I remember it being boiled when I was younger, along with the onions and it was the most disgusting smelling, tasteless lump of leather I ever had to eat.

I have tried it when its been cooked properly, but I had to go and lie down in a dark room afterwards! :grinning:

Ooh no, the very thought of it makes me feel nauseous :face_vomiting: