Life expectancy falling in parts of England before pandemic - study

Hence the “Healthy Life Expectancy” (HALE) in the reference I quoted

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Me mate, who was a year younger than me,(84 yrs) died early
this year.
By the time he died he had had two knees, one hip, two aortic
ruptures which led to the doctor’s buggering up his stomach
causing a colostany operation and continuing ruptures of his
intestines , and two weeks before he died he had cataracts
removed from both eyes which he paid for privately ???
Wonder what that lot cost ??
I must say though, that he was always cheerful !!
Donkeyman! :thinking::thinking:

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Couldn’t happen here DM, Billy no mates, but, cheerfulness was delivered from an unknown source :thinking: :biking_man:

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Yes I agree but not everyone can afford organic foods or grow their own and some people can’t move about or on meds that make them like that.

@ Logan, But they could stop stuffing themselves with the stuff Logan could’nt they ??
We only need to eat twice a day at the most !!
Donkeyman! :no_mouth::no_mouth:

Logan, yes, I appreciate those with mobility or health issues have a harder time being more active. But in general we are far lazier in these times than ever before - simply because modern times and machines are geared to make us that way. Just take housework or gardening. Go get a robotic hoover or lawn mower to do it for you. :roll_eyes:

No-one has to to eat organically nor grow their own to be healthier. Just by eating sensibly, cooking from scratch instead of buying (and living on) processed ready meals, fast foods and slathering stuff in sugar and fats as some do. Eating more calories than we use up makes us ‘lumpier’ too.
But, that’s all well known and documented. It’s just so many don’t care or can’t be bothered.

I’d better get off me soapbox methinks :zipper_mouth_face: :grinning:

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That was very diplomatic.

I can be sometimes Spitty :grin: