Life can be wonderful when we allow it

Have you led a good life? Do you do more good than harm?
I often hear, in relation to a deceased person, “They led a Good Life”
So what is a good life?
Is it one where you are loved and respected by the majority of your family?
What about those who come from severely broken families?
Is a good life derived from satisfaction with your chosen career? As an example, you have chosen an altruistic career in which you earn a high enough income to be able to donate meaningful amounts of monies to certain causes.
Surely a Tradesman can and does receive just as much satisfaction from his achievements?
Are people attracted to you because you are always positive and attentive to their needs?
What about your own needs? Surely leading a Good Life entails having your own needs met as well?
One can not go through life giving of oneself without receiving anything in return.
As seen through the deaths of comedians/actors whom we thought, “Had it all”
Does hiding your true feelings really allow one to live a Good Life?
Personally I think if one can look back on their life and see that there were more good times than bad then maybe we can say we have led a “Good Life”
Even those who came from broken families, if they managed to come to terms with that upbringing and moved forward in a positive way, can be said to have lived a Good Life eventually.


I don’t think it’s up to us to decide if we had a good life or not Bretrick, that has to be decided by other people. It’s how others see us, not how we see ourselves. People at your funeral will be there to pay their last respects and because they liked you, so at a funeral you are likely to hear the line…“He led a good life” But the people who didn’t come to your funeral might tell a different story… :astonished:
I don’t worry about whether I led a good life or not, that’s in the past and there’s nothing I can do about it, it has made me the person I am today. But I can do something about the life I’ve got left…That’s if I want to…


There have been good times, but I can’t say I’ve had a good or happy life. I had a very bad childhood and growing up wasn’t much better. I ended up with a type of disability which has marked everything in my life, which has caused all sorts of problems and issues throughout my life and continue to this day. I may have done a lot of good things in my life, my life itself has not been good. Far from it.


Don’t get too hung up about where you’ve been, rather think about where you’re going…


As someone who has used up seven of their nine lives I treasure each day , I don’t know if I’ve led a good life but I try to live by “first do no harm “ and not to expect too much

The essence of life is inequality.
We are born totally unequal.
Some are born with everything they could wish for, love, a nurturing home, a good upbringing in a respectful , kind family in a wealthy country.
Others are born in countries or families, broken by tragedies, wars, miseries, poverty, natural catastrophes , the list goes on and on…

But all of us, have eventually to learn to be grateful for what we have and to learn to survive while protecting the most precious gift we have our ‘’ Humanity’'.

No matter how many slaps , hardships, challenges , life throws at us, at the end of the day, it is finding one’s inner light , that is important, having learned right from wrong, and having cultivated the universal values of humanity.

Some had a much easier life than others, nevertheless life is a journey with many ups and downs for all. And for many it is a brave story of survival!
And no matter whether we travelled an easy road or a bumpy one, it is all the people we meet throughout our journey that make it memorable and worth living… As we say in my country ‘’ Life is worth nothing but nothing is worth life ‘’. ( Sorry for a bad translation, I hope it makes sense. :sweat_smile:).


If we can make our way through life doing little or no harm, then we can end our days here contented.


Good post Mei, however, it’s not just the people we meet along the way, it’s also the places we find ourselves in…Some memorable, some not, and some we would rather not have been…

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