Walking through the sometimes thick bush.
Last night I felt a bump on the back of my thigh. Turns out a tick had buried it’s head into me.
Ticks here in Western Australia are not very harmful to humans.
Western Australian ticks are predominately the common Ornate kangaroo tick.
Not dangerous to humans though at rare times infection may occur at the bite site.
I simply ripped it off, no doubt leaving it’s head in my thigh. This will eventually be expelled.
The bacteria that causes Lyme disease has not been found in Australian ticks so most likely Bretrick will suffer no ill effect from that pesky pest that had it’s last meal courtesy of moir.
Not my photo
Hopefully you’ll be OK.We found one in the garden last week.Fortunately like you it was a harmless one.A possum tick probably.We don’t have the dog killers here yet but with the climate getting warmer it may happen one day.
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I always carry a one of those wart freeze sprays in my car in case I pick up a tick (the ticks on the east coast paralyse you and/or cause a meat allergy) but I was in the chemist the other day and noticed that they now have the same stuff labelled as Tick Spray too.
It is the preferred method of removing ticks these days.