Kylie Coming Home

After 30 years of living in Britain, Kylie Minogue is returning to Australia to live, “It’s too bloody cold” she said (I might have made that up)

It will be interesting to see Melbourne’s reaction to Charlene from Neighbours packing a 48 roll pack of toilet paper into the boot of her Mercedes outside Woollies.

What is this Wollies of which you speak?
If you mean Woolworth that closed all its stores in 2009. :smiley::smiley:

No, I mean Woolworths the Australian Supermarket that goes from strength to strength not the American company FW Woolworth that went broke.

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I didnt know she lived here :icon_confused:

I read that not a Kylie fan but never realised how successful she was …lm sure you will welcome her home

Yep, but you can keep Rolf Harris.

Did not know that. :smiley::smiley:

Rolf is a low life reptile and if I’m honest had to google his name as wishful thinking he was dead

I think she’s done very well considering how talented she is.

She is still very popular here.

I think she is popular here too Bruce…I like her she always comes over as really natural

Funny that, I thought she lived in France.