Keeping warm or not!

Yep, last winter I bought a couple of electric fleece blankets, one for my son.
I’m very glad I did too. Okay so they were around forty five quid each but worth every penny

You can adjust the temperature, set the timer and it’s just a case of disconnecting the cable and chucking it in the washing machine :+1:

I’ve just briefly emerged from mine to take the piccy before climbing back under it on the armchair with a hot mug of strong Bovril… with a sprinkling of white pepper of course!


Got a little oil filled radiator I sit next too.
Not heating the whole house just for me!

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I’ve decided to keep warm as long as it’s possible and I have a choice at all. Can’t stand the cold. If things get worse as they predict, I’ll have to freeze inside my home soon enough but that would not be my choice then.

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This is terrible

That is sad, especially when the report said help had already been offered to him. Many homeless prefer not to be bound by hostel rules and would rather be out on the streets, free to smoke, have dogs etc. I once alerted a shelter to a man sleeping on the church steps, they went to see him, and he declined help.

I am so cold indoors but my blood thinning tablets don’t help. I refuse to feel that uncomfortable so keep heating on.

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We should all feel we need to be comfortable and warm . Weve worked hard for this time in our lifes . I refuse to be cold , yet i do worry about the bills as i so hate stress . Yesterday a biting cold day , the sun shone into my conservatory and i opened the doors to let the heat and sun in for an hour or so , by 3pm it started refreezing . Im a recluse in this weather


Assuming you’re still able to walk, get out 2 or 3 times a day, get the blood circulating. :neutral_face:

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I’ll be damned if I am going to be cold when there is a perfectly good boiler and central heating system in the cupboard…


What! You live in the cupboard?

Just in the house I hope :rofl:

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It’s not good to be cold. I can relate, but in my new apartment I am directly over the boiler room, and I have to keep windows cracked a bit or it’s too stifling for me. 72 degrees F is plenty warm, but it gets close to 80 F most days.
I live in NY state, and even with the snow, sleet ice, etc, I still even sleep with a window opened about 3 inches. I shouldn’t have chosen this particular apartment, but I moved in August so I had no idea the boiler room heats more than hot water.

Yea, my sister and family used to live in a part of New York State. The snow drifts used to get to her a bit especially when having to dig out the car.

We, in England, have a couple of original 1930’s open fires which we use with smokeless fuel. So one room is warm during the day and the other in the evening for dinner and telly. The gas central heating acts as a background heat in the evening. The lowest it has been so far is -1C at night. A tiny sprinkle of snow so far one day so ’ not too bad’ (an English expression)!

I reckon some people might be ready for a swap. :wink:

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What a great place to live (not a metric in sight) :icon_wink:

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Like it!

Yes, although I might be seen outside at around 10.00 p.m each night making sure the garage and car are locked up. Haven’t had to give a nod to any neighbours so far though. :slight_smile:

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They are probably hiding under the sofa :rofl:

It’s quite funny if Skyping with the family. The onesie is dark grey and the room is only dimly lit so, when the hood is pulled up, all they can see is a disembodied face. :slight_smile:


My heating system is gas fired and it’s always on, controlled by a fully automated electronic ‘box’. It will anticipate a drop in temperature outside and compensate for that drop inside even during night setback mode.

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I do when it gets really cold, or Mrs Fox sends me there when I’m naughty…