Just got my monthly bill for the gas

Electric as of 1st April
|Standard unit rate|27.865p per kWh|
|Standing charge|48.127p per day*|

Gas as of 1st April
|Standard unit rate|7.367p per kWh|
|Standing charge|27.220p per day*|

British Gas is my supplier due to my own choice Bristol Energy going bust just before this all kicked off so wait and see I am not on direct debit and on their “welcome tarif”

I do feel for people even my neighbour was saying will not be cooking every day…and going to bed earlier to stay warm this is not right.

I am yet to get a bill and feel slightly left adrift as I had planned to stay with what I considered a supplier who was not only good but I though would survive the closures. What do they say about best laid plans…

@PixieKnuckles , Where to shout?
Try your neighbours first, get them riled up first?
Then get everyone to shout at their MP together ?
Then maybe organise a hunger march to Westminster !!
The things l am suggesting are not sick jokes but genuine suggestions Pixie ?
Donkeyman! :frowning::frowning:

Donkeyman, you may have switched off your combi boiler, but what have you done about washing?? Or do you simply mean your heating? I could turn my boiler down on the radiators, but this house is bloody cold.

There are two massive air bricks in the kitchen wall behind the washing machine, so lots of cold air coming in. And I am wondering if I need to get someone in to look at my loft insulation. Trouble is the access to the loft is very awkward and not easy.

And yes, as I said, they have massively increased the standing charges so they get us either way.

I’m sitting here on the computer in the dark, afraid now to keep turning lights on. And I have decided not to watch so much telly.

Was thinking, while out, where I can pare down on my monthly outgoings. There is one DD I could potentially cancel*, saving a tenner a month, and one where I can get it cut down**.

*my Mail on Line paper can be cut out, as I can read it online, on the free PressReader app (through library subscription). **Sky, I can cut out several parts, saving about £30. Looked into that recently when they upped my bill by £3/m.

I agree, Kazz.

Especially when you see things in the news like the a Russian oligarch paying £24,000 to fly a live crab and some black caviar from Moscow to London on a private jet - just for a party! :rage:

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@ spitfire, Surely we don’t have to validate it Spotty ?
They have to do that , if they refuse then l intend to subtract the difference
between the old and new charges from my debit order and see how that
goes down
If everybody does this they might rethink ??
One thing ismfor sure! People are getting desperate now !!
Donkeyman! :-1::frowning::-1:

@Jazzi , We still cook using a radiant job and an electric kettle , and occasionally
roast in a mini oven !
We have cut takng showers down to once a week for me and to twice a week
for the other two ! The CH is off completely and the washing is done on
cold cycle, the tumble dryer is now used as a bread bin !
So far we are coping with the cold ok as l said but of you live in scotland that
will be different obviously?
I await my first bill with trepidation as my means are limited!!
Oh yes, l plan to remove the direct debit with my bank and make the buggers
send me a proper bill instead each month??
Donkeyman! :-1::frowning::-1:

I cut down on cooking costs anyway by always using my mini oven. But think that is a bit extreme showering wise! Once a week, really? I don’t shower every day but it is more frequent than that, lol.

Aha, now I know what that pong in the air is today.
I thought it was the nearby farm. :rofl:

@Mups Well l lived off rainwater for 17yrs Mups so l suppose l have different
standards to you uvvers? I do ave a cold wash down on occasion too !!
I did Ave a job wiv the city slickers wanting to wash their cars the minute
they arrived at my place, especially when l handed them a bucket of water
to do it wiv !!:smiley::smiley:!
Donkeyman! :+1::grin::+1:

Pixie, This is exactly what l feel. These are modern times not the dark ages. It’s cruel.


I can see if this went on long term, if it led to poor sanitation and hygiene in places, we might eventually be inviting centuries old diseases back again too.
People will be afraid to flush their loos, or bath, and sewers could get more blocked, catering establishments might start cutting corners with hygiene if their bills soar . . .

I’d better stop there. It’s too easy to get carried away with doom and gloom . . . :slightly_smiling_face:

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Well i was reading a week or so ago, that TB was on the rise again. Don’t know if its indicative of the current situation, but I can quite understand your points.

I think the fact we are talking about it in many walks of life means more people than you would think are worried and people you do not expect to be as well.

I’m thinking of opening up the chimney and going back to a coal fire or at least a wood burner.

Is TB Two Beauties? :icon_wink:

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Wrong thread Spitty…

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Funny how I mentioned this, because on the tea time news tonight they were on about the lack of food hygiene inspections being carried out since covid arrived.

Many places being visited now, hadnt been cleaning anything! They showed premises with kitchens full of live Cockroaches, mice and rat droppings, filthy fridges, and using disgusting old cooking oil, work surfaces that were never cleaned . . . all sorts of horrid things - and these people were selling food to the public!

The report said there are over 53,000 premises still awaiting inspection.

Meanwhile - the so called government does nothing! I bet there is not one MP - of any persuasion - that is cold or hungry or looking for ways to save fuel costs. And still they are prepared to open the doors to more and more immigrants, to send millions of £s to countries abroad - who may/may not use it against UK.

Charity begins at home !


If my house has a chimney I would.

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