Just Fun Music

Weird Al Yankovic - It’s All About The Pentiums

Weird Al Yankovic - Smells Like Nirvana

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There’s a man with a mullet going mad with a mallet in millets

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Weird Al Yankovic - Eat It

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The Pussy Cat song.

My lovely Puss Girlze a senior with no Pussy Pension needed, she is the BOSS…full stop

just click share and paste straight to here P. Nutter… :woman_teacher:

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My Puss would like to see you…er um … haha Bare!
whoops Bear…

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Thank you! I did that and it worked :clap:


My puss is very shocked… really! :astonished:

cat normal behaviour for tea time

Look at his poor little face…

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I am multi tasking here making dog beds for the Hope Charity Store opens tomorrow and they expect some from me…started my first ever Doggie Bed at 17.00 …I have made a few cat ones before but Dogs are all sizes how do you make one for a larger breed…

Thats a good shape but would be taking too long to make loads…
These will be going to Street dogs that neighbours give a barn shelter for them but not much more…
So any Comfy Bed they would be thrilled with…

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YES can only apollo gize …me owl me owl from her. anyways,…she is confused, tis her age factor… but she just loves being with Bears phew… ‘‘got it right next time’’… and Purring of Course.

Top Song… :notes: :musical_note: :notes:

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Well I know a good tune when I hear it!:smiley_cat:

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love your Humour!

Adore this Catchy Song by the Bee Gees…Morning of my Life… and the subtle humour of Maurice shines through…

The Beach Boys - California Girls

The Beach Boys - I Get Around

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