Strange though it seems, a typical microwave oven consumes more electricity powering its digital clock than it does heating food.
how can it be that someone with a child or children in this day and age are left with no source of cooking equipment. It’s disgusting and like living in the damn dark ages.
We are living in the dark ages. Some living conditions that kids have to endure here in the UK, are horrendous. Its only when someone speaks out about it that it goes “viral” and anything gets done.
Here’s a handy calculator for microwaves and other items energy consumption.
Eh? that makes no sense at all (unless you don’t use the microwave)
A digital clock uses one or two watts, so in 24hours that is 0.048Kwh at the most.
Frozen meal takes (say) 7 minutes in a 1000watt oven which is 0.116Kwh
A cup of coffee for 2 minutes uses 0.032Kwh - only takes two cups of coffee to use more power than the clock
For while heating food requires more than 100 times as much power as running the clock, most microwave ovens stand idle—in “standby” mode—more than 99% of the time.
Unfortunately you’ve just proved yourself wrong by telling us a microwave is used for approximately 1% of the time.
As the simple maths previously demonstrated you only have to use a microwave for 3 or 4 minutes a day to use more power than the clock.
A day consists of 1440 minutes (60 x 24) therefore using the microwave for 1% of a day as you claim indicates it is used for 14.4 minutes each day. During that time the microwave uses at least three times the power used by the clock.
Certainly my microwave is used for at least 14 minutes each day but even if it was only used for 0.5% of the time that is about twice the power used by the clock.
Gentlemen, as riveting as it is to read your microwave calculations, it might actually be collectively using more energy on our phones/tablets/PCs that its take to boil a kettle for a cuppa.
Very unlikely.
I’ll leave the calculation to you
Those costs are shown in dollars, Foxy, prices may be different in US
Apologies Tabby…
Thanks Foxy - you are a star!
I like Putin’s dress sense. Nice blue shirt with matching tie, and smart jacket. It’s probably what I would wear if I was important.
You are important.
I think he actually wears a grey boiler suit but the piccies have been photoshopped. We know what the MSM can be like in terms of portraying the full and accurate picture.
We use electricity and oil. No gas here. We have solar panels and therefore get free daytime electricity. Our oil heating comes on at 7am and goes off at 9. Normally (winter time) it comes back on at 4 and is on until we go to bed. The last few weeks I haven’t needed to put it on until 8pm.
Our house really gets the sun all round and is very well insulated so even on very cold days like today it was 20C inside.
…Waiting for British Gas to come back to full service
I finally managed to see my energy consumption online. For some obscure reason, I seem to have gone from a couple of hundred pounds in credit, to just over sixty pounds in credit. Whether everything has just caught up with itself since I moved here, I’m not sure, but to think I only have that amount to see me through to the end of the month before going into the red, kind of freaks me out a little bit.