Interesting facts

Beltane: The Pagan Fire Festival Celebrating Life and Fertility


Yes, in Italy the 1st May (Labour Day) is celebrated since 1890,but during the 2nd world War it was abolished by the fascist regime, then re-introduced later.
Since 1990, in Rome, an outdoor concert takes place with international music artists, starting early afternoon and finishing around midnight. My daughter has attended a couple of times in past years.
It’s a rainy day today though, it usually is on the first of May.


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So, he’s to blame :unamused:


If wind direction changes anticlockwise, relative to the compass, it is called “backing.”
If wind direction changes clockwise, relative to the compass, it is called “veering.”

The word widdershins (various spellings) also means anticlockwise.


The original word for “pea” was pease, and the plural was peasen.

The rhyme,

Pease pudding hot,
Pease pudding cold,
Pease pudding the pot,
Nine days old.

is all about thick pea soup.

In old Norse/Viking language, a bar was a gate, and a gate was a road. Thus Micklegate Bar in York translates as Mickle-road gate.



This one might get people frothing.

I reasoned it must be ok to cook raw chicken from frozen, that the urban myth you cannot cook from frozen was almost certainly just a precautionary rule o thumb.

Turns-out I was right!
Just adjust the cooking time obviously.

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I discovered two tins of pease pudding in the cupboard the other day. From a couple of years ago when I was doing my “stocking up for emergencies”

I don’t even know how to eat them… :laughing:

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I like the crocodile story.Wild animals are not as dumb as people think.

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The crocodile :crocodile: has not evolved in eons. Still the same physiological traits that make them formidable predators.

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