Insomnia third time this week - any tips?

Hey! I recommended it too.
Just sayin;-)

Hi, I’m bumping this thread to update on the situation. The cherry stuff I bought from Amazon, was delightful but pretty hit and miss. I would say, in fairness though, I have spent more nights asleep than awake, which is always a good thing! Another thing I have found is Yorkshire Tea “Bedtime”…vanilla & nutmeg. Tesco & Morrisons have it, and its tasty as all heck. I have been having a mug or two (Its decaff, so its ok) a couple of hours before bed and its been really helpful in keeping me asleep - although I did wake up around 3am last night again, after 3 whole nights so maybe its not totally a sleeping aid! :smiley: I did fall back asleep after an hour though. Thank you again for all the wonderful suggestions!

I have fought with insomnia for years. I finally gave up and now I take a sleeping pill or no sleep. I’m so bad without medication I will simply keep going for a day or 2 until I just pass out. I hate not being able to sleep because I only get 5 hours max. I don’t know why that is, but 5 hours and I’m up and forget going back to sleep.

I went 6 weeks once with just about no sleep…The Doctor had to visit and gave me these pills I could take at bedtme…
…I can remember fighting the actions of dropping off…was like pulling myself up from a hole to the light. But I went and was a zombie in the morning on rising…
I took basic ones for many years and they really did seem to work less and less. I guess by period of time it an addiction.
I just tried a few natural remedies. My late Dad was on some foul tasting drops and they had some affect but not enough so then my final natural remedies was 5HTP…it worked for me. Expensive but by taking the offers that say Holland & Barrett use to do…saved a huge amount so carried on taking them until I was lucky enough to feel I cold cut them back…Took far too long but I nearly always sleep well now…Not so many hours as is good for oneself, but mostly also 5 hours, I don’t as a rule need to nap in the Day Time either. It the activity of the Brain…hard to get it to calm before sleep.
When I first had that long stint of no sleep, I even drunk huge amounts of spirts, like Brandy and that was horrendous on the headaches, and the sleep was not natural.
Magnesium drinks or foods are of some help to some.

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I definitely feel your pain. I hope you find something to help. Tried CBD?

I get many nights of insufficient sleep but sometimes I will take some paracetamol and maybe a herbal sleep aid tablet. I also agree that’s ear plugs (I prefer the wax ones from Boots) can help filter out some sounds and help the brain to relax.

I also need the loo several times each and every night, and cannot remember a full night of unbroken sleep.

That was many years ago Danny…I make allowances for your American ism’s
:thinking: :zipper_mouth_face: :rofl: