Ha!, this is not as strange as you might think…with me, in that moment before actually falling asleep…I hear music. Proper orchestral music, like…I dunno - not tinkly choral music, more like big band jazz or something. Its nothing I have heard or been influenced by, and I think to myself “I must write that down in the morning” It goes away if I listen too closely…I have to let it happen.
The pebble is a good idea…knowing me I would lie on it during sleep and wake up in pain! I do breathing mindfulness though…that helps.
Ohhhh! That’s a gorgeous photo, Roxy! And yes, I have to be really quiet too otherwise the dog and Mr P end up waking up, the dog gets all busy thinking things are happening and Mr P just grumbles about me being up and am I making a cuppa?
I guess I’m lucky, because I very rarely can’t get to sleep, or get disturbed sleep.
My problem, if anything, is the opposite, and I could sleep for England!
I do think one important thing to remember though is, don’t stay on your computer till bed time. A lot of people find it stimulates the old brain box instead of calming us ready for sleep.
When I get to bed, I have always read for a while, and before many pages, I’m gone.
Again, don’t read anything stimulating like wars/violence/murders/puzzles etc, try to fill your thoughts with restful reading.
Works for me, and always has done.
Ahh now, this is good. I am often online right up until I decide to sleep. I know I shouldn’t be, and I don’t find it interferes with me falling asleep but its the waking up at stupid o’clock I find the most irritating. I’ll try reading before sleeping. Mr P listens to podcasts, but they just annoy me - I don’t want people talking to me when I’m falling asleep, haha!
I haven’t read through all the replies but I have seen several suggestions of a cup of tea. This is my go to beverage at 3am or whenever it happens. as well as then talking a kalms night one a night. Sometimes paracetamol too. I find when I wake I might be achy, be it a tummy ache or pulled muscle. Paracetamol or ibuprofen helps. Along with the kalms and tea. Sometimes a banana. Soft earplugs help. As does being hydrated before going to sleep.
Ahh, now I don’t drink after 8pm or I have to go to the loo at some point during the night. I wouldn’t fall asleep with earplugs in. Kalms? I haven’t heard about them…I’ll look them up. Thanks!
It may be that you are going to bed and unhydrated. Maybe a good idea to have a couple of glasses of milk at 8pm. Milk is more hydrating than water (over a longer period)
That’s interesting, Annie. I read that the body treats milk like a food, not a source of hydration. But then when you think about it…a warm milky drink is supposed to make you sleepy. Maybe I ought to try that. I always avoided it at night because I thought it would disrupt digestion. I must say, last night I slept all the way through until 8am, so that’s a good sign!
Good that you slept well last night. That is such a relief isn’t it after restless nights.
I learned all about hydration when I had flu ten years ago and dehydrated drinking water. It’s not about drinking water which goes right through you but about drinking a fluid that has a suspension within it. Because your body is then fooled by the protein or whatnot and doesn’t excrete the water component so fast. There’s lots of science about this. But ribena is good too if you are sick and can’t have milk. Although depends on your ability to tolerate sugar. Skim milk should work just as well. Basically anything that isn’t just plain water will hydrate your body for a longer period. The ones that athletes etc go by are electrolyte drinks but I steer clear of those. Some swear by coconut water but it makes me feel a bit strange. If you really want the good stuff that also makes you relaxed have a cup of cocoa!
Me neither (cherry juice, that is) I’ll try and find some. I love cherries
Annie, that is really interesting about the science behind the hydration…I’ll look into that. I do like Ribena, but not such a fan of coconut water (coconuts, yes)
Yesterday evening I had a can of beer (the first since having my molar removed a week ago). Just before bedtime my jaw was aching so I took some painkillers. Not normally a good idea to mix the two but I thought if I die, l die. Anyway, had a bloody great sleep.
Are you recommending an alternative form of hydration, LD…I would be on board with that! Perhaps not with painkillers though…eek! Glad you slept well though.