Has any other member been fitted with one of these liberating devices?
I had mine fitted in December and today I was passed as a patient with a fully responding Bi-Chamber pacer. My Medtronic Azure pacing unit has given me back my freedom to drive any time i wish and without restrictions. I also have an electronic home monitor by my bed that downloads at night before sending the data to my cardiology HQ via the nearest 4G phone mast to update my electronic data file:clap:
Pacemakers - Bradycardia | Medtronic
I’m free again
I had my ICD (Implanted Cardiac Device) also fitted in December…2021
Apart from my heart ticking over at 60 bpm (as opposed to 40 bpm) I haven’t noticed a great deal of difference LongDriver. It also has a built in defibrillator just in case I have a turn for the worse.
I do sometimes notice a fluttering in my chest occasionally, and rarely, a very strong fluttering mainly in the night when asleep, it wakes me up. I suppose the pacer is just doing it’s job, my heart has been known to stop in the night.
I also have the monitor situated on my bedside table for the odd download, but was warned that it is not an emergency device and an ambulance should always be called during severe chest pain , it just saves constant check-ups at the hospital, the in person check-ups are limited to annual events. I should be due one soon…
Good luck with your device LongDriver.
I think you should mention your Atrial Flutter foxy as soon as you are invited in for a face-to-face or even sooner. Flutter can lead to full fibrillation causing your ICD to cardiovert and put you back into sinus rhythm and that can lead to internal scaring. My cardiologist had trouble implanting my two leads due to internal scarring.