Incident at health club

Cancel my subscription, the customer is king (or Queen)

That’s what I feel like doing spitfire. Unfortunately it’s the only pool I can get to locally as I don’t drive any more. I would miss my swim dreadfully. I have been swimming for 60 years, 3 times a week.

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Did you get anywhere with the club management yet?

I spoke to the manager yesterday Annie. He apologised for putting me in an embarrassing position. He said my idea of putting bath robes in the changing rooms was an excellent idea which they will do. I am not taking it any further as it’s the only pool I can get to as I said in my post to spitfire. I don’t want to cause any more ill feeling (or get banned!)


Swim with the flow and don’t make waves is my philosophy Annie…
Glad you got it sorted… :+1:

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Hope so OldGreyFox.

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