If you had to choose between drinking only tea or only coffee for the rest of your life, which would it be?

Evidently so. I didn’t realize that. Thanks for the info. I just looked it up.

It didn’t bother me though. I don’t like my water to be so hot. It didn’t take that long for it to get to slow boil. For me, room temperature water vs. hot water wasn’t worth the extra minute. I don’t drink that much tea. . . .

. . . . even though tea is the winning answer, @Chilliboot

I really look forward to my morning coffee. It’s made on the stove in a proper old fashioned espresso pot. Boiled milk is then frothed up in a cafetiere. So an absolutely delicious latte every day. There is no way I would want to give that up.

I was thinking about what would happen if the supply of tea and coffee stopped abruptly. There would be riots on the streets. This came to mind because I was thinking how very fortunate we are to be able to go into a shop and buy coffee or tea which has been grown on the other side of the world. We take this so much for granted.

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I am pretty sure that despite this manufacturers have been fiddling with kettles to ensure that the boiling stops before the water is 100% at boiling point (for eco reasons). It seems that the water only stays at the perfect heat for a very short time and I’m sure that never used to happen.

It certainly didn’t Annie :wink:
No eco considerations, apps, Bluetooth etc back in the day.

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Tea Bellies are a dying breed!!!

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