Your camouflage is very good.
I’ve always said I’d never change any of the paths I’ve chosen to get me to this stage of my life, no matter how many potholes there was in it. It shaped who I am.
I do question as to why I chose the path to this bungalow though. How on earth I thought I’d ‘do’ small when I never have before really baffles and irritates me.
We are the result of all the decisions we made so if we changed anything we’ve done we wouldn’t be the same person
Everything we changed, we’d lose a bit of ourself
So if I chose not to have taken up with my ex husband, I wouldn’t have my children
Right now I try hard to just look to the future. I am happy with what I do now, the close friends I have I adore.
I don’t wish to think back at the past if I can.
You can’t change it but you can appreciate now times.
The same here but in my case ex-wife, I just wish the children had been born to a different mother.
The harm she has done them in trying to get at me through them is really appalling, nothing I could
do about it either.
I would not have posted on the LTP thread till the shit really hit the fan, playing ones cards too early is a No no.
Oh, I am sorry, it’s very hard xxxx
But if they had been born to a different mother they wouldn’t be the same children and if you hadn’t had that bad experience, you wouldn’t be the same person you are now
I didn’t choose to end up as a single parent and I always say if I could have had EXACTLY the same children in the context of a happy marriage, then of course that’s what I’d have chosen

I do question as to why I chose the path to this bungalow though. How on earth I thought I’d ‘do’ small when I never have before really baffles and irritates me.
Now there I know exactly what you mean.
The bungalow we’re in was only ever meant as a kind of stop-gap because of family, but a longer stop-gap was always possible and so why we chose location over space often brings out the same emotions in me too.
Yes, i would…because I would have a different mindset. I would pursue the things I didn’t, make the choices that I didn’t do before, and likely have a completely different life altogether. Whether that would be better or worse than now, I have no idea, but it would be fun to try it and see!

I do question as to why I chose the path to this bungalow though. How on earth I thought I’d ‘do’ small when I never have before really baffles and irritates me.
I think the same .
Would i change things…blinking heck of course I would…all sorts of things.
We all make bad decisions I would have great fun putting those right. Of course I couldn’t be sure my new decisions would be any wiser but it would be fun finding out
I would also make sure I invested in a young Mr Gates and his pals when they were working away in his garage all those years ago
But then you wouldn’t be the person you are or met and loved the people you do, don’t you think that’s sad?
I wouldn’t really give them up and change what I’ve got easily
It’s a bit like people who have plastic surgery, I always think it’s a bit of an insult to the people who loved you as you were
Does this question include not being born to the parents I was?

Does this question include not being born to the parents I was?
Bloomin’ hope so! But you can’t decide that for yourself now can you…
That is such a shame.

That is such a shame.
Well it was at the time, but it taught me more about people than growing up in a regular family probably could, so its not all bad!
Blimey what a dilemma…I would be very careful about the changes I made… except the Bill Gates one
I meant it was a shame I could not change my parents for a couple that actually gave a s***.
Oh apologies! But yeah I understand.