If there was a book of commandments for the modern world, what would some of the rules be?

Refrain from using force.

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The original book will see out modernity.

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Thou shalt not gaze upon your phone when walking or driving!


Cream then jam on your scone


Always the other way around for me. Jam, then cream.

Are you some kinda radical heretic or sumfink? :grinning::grinning:

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I did it my way

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Thou shall not listen to men who cover their faces .


Do not inflict loud bassy music upon others with the car window wound down.


There shall be no background music in public spaces .


Thou shall not smoke/vape in public.


(1)Accept the gender you were born with, no matter how hard or woke that might be…
(2)Don’t blame yourself for extreme weather at the other side of the world…It’s not your fault!
(3)Don’t trust politicians, they don’t care about you, and will shaft you at every opportunity.
(4)Beware of people in rubber boats, they want what you’ve got and will take it eventually.
(5)Don’t worship at the alter of false Gods like the BBC and Sky News etc…
(6)Eat more meat, your body needs all the nutrients it can get to work and think properly.
(7)Do not send money to support foreign wars, it’s none of our business.
(8)Turn your heating up in winter. Being cold kills more people each winter than covid.
(9)Don’t buy anything off the internet, they have destroyed the family business.
(10)Buy British…
If Jesus returned to Earth he would be a Yorkshireman…We know stuff…

  1. Thou shalt not be an judgemental, moral high ground grabbing, high horse riding, virtue signalling arse

  2. Thou shalt not worship technology and pass off AI images as real

  3. Thou shalt not hang thy dog poo bags on trees and bushes

  4. Thou shalt be truthful except where it’s better not to be and about Father Christmas

  5. Thou shalt not watch GB news or support Brexit

  6. Thou shalt be kind, even to those who don’t deserve it, because, let’s face it, you don’t deserve it yourself

  7. Thou shalt not put people down just because they’re a different generation to you or assume your generation is best

  8. Thou shalt not bow down before celebrities, vloggers and influencers and the super rich

  9. Thou shall not tolerate or elect amoral, corrupt and self serving leaders just because you think there might be something in it for you

  10. Thou shalt not worship money or personal gain over the well-being of everyone else


Thou shall not use a mobile phone or watch stupid videos in cafe’s and restaurants where other people have to suffer the noise.

Thou shall clear away your own plates off the tables when in cafe’s and restaurants.


Ye cannae shove yer Granny aff a Bus


Thou shall not stand gormlessly staring into your mobile phone in the middle of the supermarket aisle bro innit.


But yer other granny…

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Na…he would would have haggis as a treat!

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@Bretrick Always read then small print and then if in doubt seek legal advice.

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Start a private pension early .

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