If animals could talk, which species do you think would be the best conversationalists?

People talk to their dogs all the time. There have been movies about horses talking, and dogs too, for that matter. Cats don’t talk often in film, but they have attitude. There’s lot of animated talking penguins. Birds don’t seem to converse much in movies but they say one or two words. But that’s all just someone else’s imagination.

If you were to pick the best conversationalists of the animal kingdom, which would it be and what would they say?

I would love to be able to speak to animals in fact I do
Dogs would probably have the most to say .
Apart from monkeys but they are too like us anyway
All would tell us off for our treatment .
Pigs would tell us things we don’t want to hear about the way we treat them .

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Dageus has his own way of talking to me, he always makes sure I know what he wants lol.
The Clyde’s are good at making their wishes/feelings known as well.
I think monkeys would be in the best talkers group.

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Orang-Utans . They always give me the impression of deep thinking. Love to hear what they think of us as we destroy their way of life.


Definitely the Giraffes.
So tall and graceful.
Kind of hoiti toiti really
They would be so academic and philsophical :smiley:



Cats but they’d have the last word every time :smirk_cat::pouting_cat::pouting_cat:


Whales and Dolphins seem to do alright.


Definitely not sloths! They could take all day and still not get to the gist of what they were trying to say!