Macy, So…Did you buy one?
He’s waiting for them to come on Offer, I think.
Mind you, he hasn’t been seen of late, I do hope they’ve not kidnapped him.
Last thing I heard he was shifting dodgy stuff on eBay.
There was one in the market this morning - hiding under a stall.
Probably waiting its chance to nick someone’s hot dog.
Hiding under a stool? Must be quite small then.
Stall, EZ, mind you - I don’t see it as being very large - but then I have never been up close. Anyway - last time I saw it, it was heading for the river.
Newt was it? Frog possibly?
Somewhere in between!
It got caught in the reeds though Tabs, but it’s alright now.
I saw a man fishing it out with a net, and putting it on the bank to dry.
That’s OK then - thanks Mups!
Now the damn Bots are insinuatling I talk too much! That’s it - I am out of here.
“You’ve posted more than 20% of the replies here, is there anyone else you would like to hear from?”
I’d like to do something qluite unpleasant to those Bots, Tabs . . . .
It must be a Fruit then. Can’t be a nog, you don’t get them in this country.
That’s just like what my mother used to say to me ."Well,I won’t keep you.I’m sure you have lots to do "