I may end up with another cat!

He gets on fine with Tammy & Kit, but Rudi, the one who has asthma, doesn’t even know that Mr Grey lives here yet!
Mr Grey has access to my study, the kitchen, dining room utility room & the back hall where the backdoor and the cat flap are!
The others have the front hall, lounge and all the upstairs, because they are kept in at night, but Kit & Tammy are allowed to go into the garden in the day.
Rudi seems to be happy as an indoor cat as pollen aggravates his asthma, but I still have to deal with introducing him to Mr Grey! :100:

Twink :slight_smile: I am so glad My Grey found his way to your house and a new life .

With any rescue animal dog or cat tiny steps and patience can lead to huge rewards . Once they learn I wish you no harm, take your time you can trust me they progress at speed.

I hope Mr Grey is with you for many years :slight_smile:

What a lovely story, Twink, I really hope he settles with you and your other cats! :023:

Good for you, Twinkle.
Taking in a homeless cat will ensure you a place in heaven.
I make a monthly contribution of £10 to the cat rescue place where we got our two cats a couple of years ago. They do an excellent job and, I believe, also have them ‘snipped’ to avoid them procreating.

That’s true (the emboldened words). When our cats come into our bedroom in the morning (after we have opened the door), one of them at least always slavers whilst padding around on our bed. Fortunately, she usually heads towards Marge.

Thanks for all your good wishes.:slight_smile:

Message from Mr Grey to all OFF members!

Please keep Twink chatting every morning , because it means she stays at her computer & I can sit by her feet for longer! :lol:

It is now 10.50 and he has been with me since 7 this morning!:mrgreen:

Good for you Twink :slight_smile:

Thank you!
I always think that animals are just like babies because they let you know they have a need, but can’t tell you what their need is!:frowning:
I am sure every mother must have heaved a sigh of relief when they have found what their baby needed, but I am now discovering the changes in Mr Greys behavior and, as all mum know, that is when your understanding of their needs gets better!:slight_smile:

I’m so pleased for you both Twinks I was just thinking about Mr Grey the other day wondering how he was I’m glad he has settled in so well

Thanks Summer! He is a very strange cat because he lets me brush & comb him, tickle his ears, but if I walk past him he is terrified & tries to run away. That is why we think his injured leg may have been caused by a kick, rather than a car.
He wants to spend all his time with me, but when I have visitors he acts like aliens have landed!:surprised:
I think this may mean a further year, or so, to teach him that he is always safe here!

You are probably right about the kick…I wonder what happened to him we will never know for sure…but he landed on his feet finding you :slight_smile:

He is sitting on my feet at the moment! :lol:

Aww, that does my heart good, Twink. There really isn’t any superpower greater than giving a needy creature a life of safety, food, and love.

Thank you most sincerely :hug:.

Well Surfermom, you and many other members of OFF do the same! I remember the dog you gave a home to, when you first joined this site.

For most people I think it is a joy when they hear of others being kind to animals ! :slight_smile:

Thanks for the update Twinks. What a lovely story with a happy ending. you have done wonders for Mr Grey and it sounds as if he knows it too.

Thanks Dongle! I am wondering if I should have called him Shadow, because in the house the only way I can stop him following me is to close every door I go though… which I would never do!:slight_smile:
He is currently stopping me from moving, by lying on my slippers!:lol:

You would love my cats Sox and George Twinks …Sox has a thing for slippers I’m sure she would get on well with Mr Grey :slight_smile:

Only if Sox is prepared to lie on my right slipper Summer! Mr Grey prefers the left slipper, as it is closer to the heater!:lol:

Sox is a Main Coon …big enough to cover both slippers but she is soft as a brush and does as she is told :slight_smile:

Awww! :slight_smile:
The cat on my profile was found in a sack as a kitten. The vet said he definitely had a parent that was Main Coon, so suspected that a Main Coon mother had unknowingly mated with an ordinary cat & that is why he was dumped!

When he came to me he had such a nice nature, but I believe that most Main Coons are the same.
He became diabetic but didn’t even notice when I gave him his jabs & he lived to be 14 … sadly I lost him in 2006.:cry:

Sox is 11 which is quite elderly for a Main Coon…you are right they have lovely natures. Your profile cat is lovely was his fur silver underneath… thats would really point to him being part Main Coon…their fur is white at the root.