I love day dreaming about my dream life

My dream life would be without clocks.
In this day of rush, rush, rush we all seem to be in a hurry. Go here, go there, pick the kids up, catch the shop before it closes, run for the train. We all seem to be in such a hurry. I used to be in such a hurry.
Quick, quick, before I miss out. Miss out on what?
I stopped and thought about this one day and came to the conclusion I was in a hurry to go nowhere. No where important that could not wait.
Time management was all that was required. I decided never to rush, rush again.
If I missed the train I would catch the next one. Shop about to close? wait until tomorrow.
Alvin Toffler wrote in his book Future Shock, ( Paraphrasing here. ) that society has been forced to participate in the rat race of life. To speed up our lifestyles, to keep up with the rapidly changing world or be left behind. Floundering in the quagmire.
If I could remove one thing from my life it would be Clocks. Everyone of us are ruled by time.
Imagine never having to look at a clock. Never having a deadline to meet.
Eat when hungry, sleep when tired. Work when you wanted to.
No more being ruled by time.

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When I retired from teaching I took off my watch and have never worn it since. Now my time belongs to me and I don’t have to answer to anyone. My life is no longer ruled by bells telling me that I must take the next lesson and then the next. When you retire Bretrick, your time will belong to you!

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Looking forward to then for sure. So much I can do given the freedom of no time constraints. :slightly_smiling_face:

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And when you retire sometimes you (me)don’t know what day it is and that doesn’t matter either (unless it’s bin day)

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