I have to have a hysterectomy

Cate darlin’ - didn’t have much choice - because of other medical problems with my lungs, I can’t have a ‘general’ as I might not wake up at all.

I wish I could have got away without open surgery Cate, but it was not consiered to be an option for me. Neither of the ways of doing a hysterectomy are easy ways and both mean you have to take it easy afterwards and hope for no complications. I don’t think I would be brave enough to be awake for any major surgery like Uncle Joe has been Cate, but if there is no option epidurals are marvellous. I had both the spinal block and a GA for my hysterectomy and I was mighty grateful, especially for the spinal block because it helped afterwards. I do admire Uncle Joe for his fortitude.

Me too, I must say looking at us you would never believe how brave we all were obviously when they made us they threw away the mold

Its five years since I had my tumours and half my Bowel removed and now I am better, at least have stopped worrying and dont go for another test for five years. But it is frightening and you are on your own.

I can’t begin to imagine how all of you who have had major operations must have felt at the time. I admire all of you for having the strength to get through it.

Mags, it’s not as if you really have much choice; not doing it would be far worse.

I meant the painful recovery period after, Eileen… months and months in some cases.:frowning:

Sorry, misunderstood …

Have appointment with my surgeon again in a few days and may have to have hip revision operation, then in January see yet another surgeon who is talking to me about ankle joint replacements. Am not worried about any of this even if it does mean further stays in hospital - am quite stoical.

I have to say on my ward some people coped better than others. Some like me were wimps :wink:

Have to say though apart from the “wind” issue; my major issue was coughing…I still kinda have a panic when I cough and tend to hold a hand on/over my stomach.
But I have to say 18 months on I am feeling great it will come to you all
I know its hard to believe when at the moment it feels like you are moving through treacle.

Karen darlin’ - 1 thing I learned in hospital many years ago having had abdominal surgery - if you need to cough or sneeze - If sitting or laying down, bend knees up as high as you can to stop stomach muscles stretching in the spasm.

Try cuddling a pillow gives you a lot of support :slight_smile:

I wish I’d known that knee trick when I had a broken rib … and a Winter cold! Coughing was agony.

Coughing when you have put your back out is also agony, so thanks Uncle Joe, I will remember your advice next time it happens to me. :023:

Oh I think sneezing is awful when you have a sore stomach, I have a large Gall stone and it can get trapped and its hell but they wont take my Gall bladder out because of complications during last surgery.

Oh Annie, that’s awful; surely something could be done? Can’t they break up the stone with some sort of laser?

I agree Annie, gallstone pain is awful. I hope they can do something for you. I had my gallbladder taken out about 6 years ago. I had a single stone about the size of a small hen’s egg which kept getting trapped and the pain every time it happened really stopped me in my tracks. They gave the stone to me afterwards to remember them by and I still have it somewhere. They are strange things to look at and boy can they give you some trouble. I would try to get a rereferral from your doctor and ask if you can have the surgery done laparascopically, or maybe as Eileen says get them “blasted”

I’ve heard the pain from a gallstone compared to that of childbirth; never having had either, can’t comment but wonder if it’s true?

I have seen a grown man crawling around the floor in tears of agony, so I can believe the pain must be awful. Do take Aerolor’s advice and see if you can;t get a referal.

When I was in hospital the nurses rolled up a towel for ladies to hold under their tums when they laughed, coughed or sneezed.

My OH has had gall stones and had his gall bladder removed over 30 years ago. He is not the type of person who will show any reaction to pain and illnesses usually but with the gall stones, he couldn’t suppress his pain and screamed. It really frightened me at the time.