I Have Just Taken My Leggings Out Of The Freezer And Now l Give Up.. Why?

Do you mean something like this? … :laughing:


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Yes Arty, the 501’s are zipless so are less prone to fail around the fly area.
Now that I know you are trying to remove a latex based product, I would recommend this product from Screwfix (88987). It does cost £4.99 so you would have to weigh up the intent of keeping the clothing for outside the house. I use this to remove rubber solution and very effective it is too :+1:

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LD, Thank You for the tip.

Last night, l gently rubbed the glue stain with a pumice stone…eeeeeeeeek …big mistake!
I quickly, did a stitch in time, to save nine!!

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Cut off the affected legs Arty and turn them into shorts…

Foxy… and what do you suggest l do with the cut off bits? Make holes where my eyes, nose and mouth go … and rob banks?

Or, frighten men who take their sexy legs out for a run most days? :laughing:

Have you thought about changing your religion to Muslim Arty? You could use the offcuts as Niqabs…

I try to run in places where I won’t be accosted by strange women wearing leggins over their heads…So far, I’ve been successful…