I got bored so this happened


It’s not a thing I’ve ever tried, so I’m interested in your set-up.

You’re using flash, so have you got something to trigger the shutter when the water droplet passes?

I imagined people did this kind of thing using continuous lighting and continuous shutter at 8 or whatever’s your max. frames per second.

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Very clever Danny…you should frame them.

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Excellent shots Danny and I’m amazed by what can be achieved with digital cameras :ok_hand::+1:

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It’s not just the quality of the pictures (although they are brilliant) it’s having the vision to be able to create such outstanding work…Amazing Danny!..


I agree with OldGreyFox’s post… very clever, you have a great imagination

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My eyes. Shutter operated by a remote to keep camera steady.


Although you’re watching to see when the drop is going to fall. When it does I usually hold the remote button down for a burst of 5 or 8. Sometimes I have to wait on the camera to process it’s shooting so fast.