I originally thought is was a Barred Cuckoo Shrike but changed my mind.
Barred Cuckoo Shrikes have a yellow ring around their eyes. This one does not.
So further investigation leads me to believe this is a juvenile female Cicada Bird.
beauktiful - felt sorry for the worm though!
I think the critter is a caterpillar, They eat insects not worms.
do any birds eat worms??
Plenty of birds eat worms
Blackbirds, Wrens, Thrushes, Magpies, Magpie Larks.
Most birds eat insects. caterpillars and lizards.
I think they’ve been tried for eons in asia fried heh - not the birds that is!!
Not forgetting the Earlybird
Here is a Collared Sparrowhawk I photographed almost 4 years ago now.
Wow, what a shot
Yes, I took at least 15 photos of this fella, kept this one only
He must have been watching your every move. It looks as though he’s staring straight down the lens.
Oh yes, he was watching my every move for at least 20 minutes.
Have any of your photos ever been published or are they just for your private collection?
No. I did submit one to a citizens photo comp once but heard nothing back.
I think it was this one.
Now my photos are purely for my pleasure and to share on a couple of sites including this one.
Well thanks for sharing, I think you have a great talent for getting the perfect shot and they’re well worthy of being published. Well done!!!
Thank you for your kind words.
Your welcome, keep up the good work.
These are great pics
Thank you Muddy