I Believe In Doing Good

The granting of bail needs overhauling.
For years now I have watched as Lawyers have done their utmost to keep those people who commit heinous crimes out of prison.
The Law Society is doing such a disservice to society.
Too often playing the “Diminished Responsibility” card to lessen the sentences handed down.
Sure, Lawyers are not wholly to blame, the Judges who listen to their arguments and are duped by those arguments are equally responsible.
Whether it be the granting of bail, minimal sentences, the granting of Parole, our whole Justice System seems biased in favour of the Perpetrators.
It must take a certain kind of person to defend the indefensible.
Time for an inquiry into the Legal System?


Keeping your nose clean and doing good are two quite distinct things!


Crikey, how many inquiries do you want? Every pollie seems to want to be tough on crime, the latest absurdity in NSW is locking up more children instead of granting bail.

There is absolutely no evidence that this reduces crime it is usually a knee jerk reaction to one particularly awful crime of a single bailee.

Prison is just a finishing school for criminals, we should be offering alternatives to prison not incarcerating more people.

For example the drug court is a good idea that needs expanding .

" Defending the indefencible " that is interesting . I had a female friend who is a defence lawyer still is i guess . I asked her the question " what if you just knew intuitively that your client was guilty of the crime " how would you defend them knowing they are lying etcetc . Her reply to me was " unless they actually admit guilt then i will defend them to the hilt even if inside i knew they were guilty "

Says a lot doesnt it


Are you suggesting we adopt a system where we parade a person on Saturday Television, tell the general public what the person is accused of, then, open up a telephone voting system, Guilty/not guilty @ a £1.00 a call?

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It says a whole lot about the legal industry.
“It is okay to lie as long as we win”


Interesting you use that word,describes any profit making enterprise.That would explain the lack of ethics.


Everybody deserves a defence and is innocent until proved otherwise. The prosecution has to prove the person is guilty beyond reasonable doubt and quite right too.


Everyone wants to erode the basis of civilization!


Yes, That is how I view the Legal fraternity.
Huge profit to be made, never mind morals and ethics.


This is so true about the legal system. Referring to the US legal system. I don’t know enough to comment on other countries.
I am not calling everyone in the legal system crooked but just one bad person can turn a case into a farce.

I’ll admit, when I was a kid, I did some off handed things. This was when the cop would take you home and ones parents handed out a reasonable punishment.

But, an adult crime should come with an adult punishment.

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