I am old school and do not possess a smart phone

I used to pay $25.00 US for a fliptop, when I went to 4G my flip cost me $80.00 US.


The Samsung Galaxy Flip 6 costs £1,000 in the UK


or is that not what you mean?

EDIT … Ah! of course, you mean what we call a Clamshell


My cell is only for emergencies when I’m out and about, I also have a landline, which is mainly so the spammers can contact me :innocent:, other than the spammers I might have 3-4 people I talk with, ol’ flipper is enough for me.


Spammers can be true lifesavers :rofl:


I really couldn’t be with out a smartphone these days.
If I’m on holiday or out in the woods I might just have a cheapo unit as backup fully charged just in the case of an emergency.


That’s cheating, you’re supposed to do smoke signals. :wink:


You and your bloody Rizlas! :wink:




As appropriate for bushcraft…


My phone said the battery was low, so I put it up on the top shelf. Didn’t make a scrap of difference.


I have noticed that most of the young people in jogging gear that I see out walking seem to attach their phone to their upper arm these days - something like these (picked at random from Google)

or this

My phone is always in my pocket, I would feel naked without it.

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Bruce I see people with those too and my husband has one.

I don’t as I bought running pants with a deep pocket specifically for phones.

People use them to listen to music while they are running (via bluetooth connected earbuds)

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Just as a matter of interest I had a look on Amazon to see the price, they have an arm one for $10

But some are several 10s of dollars, no need for me I too have pockets in my shorts

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I’m gonna check out Decathlon today for one of these

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I must admit that I have always been happy with my clamshell phone, but earlier this year I swapped my sim into a smartphone I had given, and thus far, it’s been brilliant. Other than taking and making calls I don’t use it much, but have found the camera to be very useful and a good quality. I also use a map and trig point site, handy for when I need the information while out on walks. I’ve also downloaded an app for measuring distance and providing a little map of where I’ve been. I missed a few calls because I couldn’t figure out how to answer them, it’s a press and slide… :017:
My old clamshell wouldn’t talk to my car, but this smartphone does, so I can take calls handsfree.
It doesn’t seem to be much of a problem stuck in the back pocket of my shorts. Mrs Fox insists that I take my phone wherever I go these days, just so they know where to locate the body…


I just had to show you the money belt I bought for my mobile, for my upcoming beach holidays. And anywhere really. Shepherds Bush market £10.

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I use those money belts when travelling - they hold a phone and a couple of cards and a small amount of cash.

Very handy.


Likewise (and a passport?)

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yes sometimes a passport overseas - in China where you need your passport to get on internal trains, boats etc

But usually overseas I dont need t o carry my passport around with me - it stays in safe in my room.

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