I am old school and do not possess a smart phone

I have a smartphone , a tablet, and a notebook. I could do without the tablet but need the other two devices for banking. The smartphone is also indispensable for communicating with family members. Even my 93 y.o. MiL has a smartphone and a tablet for sending Whatsapp messages on a daily basis.


I’m not so worried about how other people use their phones. I’m not contactable 24h but only when I want to. Smartphones are tremendously useful for those who have to be mobile and I wouldn’t want to have those times back when you had to study maps and take copious notes before you could hit the road. Today the latest traffic info guides you through this chaos in densely populated areas with heavy traffic which doesn’t let you ponder over which exit to take. In a city you don’t know you find your way in no time.


Yes I’ve a smart phone .
Although I’m not joined by my hip to my phone I wouldn’t want to be without it.
Not on any expensive contract as I purchased the iPhone outright.
I use Giffgaff £6 a month contract free for unlimited text and calls with limited data.
Thats less than 2 cups of coffee ….whats not to love .


:+1: for GiffGaff

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I think describing me as “cool” might be over egging the pudding. :wink:

Blimey, I was born in 1973 :107:

The commercial version of Marty Cooper’s prototype, the Motorola Dynatac 8000X, was released 11 years after that first call, in 1984

Thanks for sharing.

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Bruce can you download? There’s an option on Spotify Premium.

Enjoy your holiday!

My brother worked for Cellnet from its inception (BTs mobile arm) I was in the UK in 1989 (I think it was) and he lent me a phone as big as a brick.

I was driving from Folkestone to Glasgow overnight, as one does, when I heard on the car radio about a plane crash at Lockerbie. My mother rang my brother to ask if it would affect us, said he would find out and call us back. When he did ring back it took us an age to find out how to answer the damn thing as we had never used a mobile phone before.

BTW the crash did affect us as we would have driven right past where the plane had crashed an hour earlier. I forget how we bypassed the area but these days Google maps would have made it so much easier.

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I don’t know Minx. I am careful about how I use Spotify as I am on my daughter’s family account, I don’t know much about it other than I like it very much (except when they remaster favourite albums and stick in an interview with the artist - I really don’t care what Ian Anderson was thinking when he made “Aqualung”).

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I recall that incident. So tragic. You missed the crash scene by an hour. How horrifying.

It’s easy to answer a call Bruce, just press the right button :069:

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Yes I have an obsolete IPad too. Battery fine but nothing works on it. It’s probably 11 years old.
I hate that Apple make their products with a use by date.

Nice song choice :ok_hand:

Ooops… my phone just beeped at me, I had to look…

Low Battery…

So it is goodnight from me…



Ah yes those reckless and dangerous times - i remember them well!
Every so often i read about people who were rescued from situations where, if not for their phone and the ability to be tracked, would have died - lost on a freezing mountain side, or in a capsized boat in the middle of an ocean.
So i reluctantly accept that they have their uses.
Reluctantly… :wink:

That bought me back to when my best mate Rosi and I would travel up to London each day for work…We were 16 by this time and girls will be girls. We smoked on the trains in those daft days…Commuters mainly bowler hats and nose stuck in the Financial Times…get the picture. So we smoked but they were roll ups using liquirich papers and we thought how blimin grown up we were…The Bowlers would spy us and sneer a tad…we just giggled. Once off the train at Victoria we picked which route to Saville Row we would take. Favourite route for me apart from taking in the Buckingham Palace route was via Green Park and star spot there…Goods time with all the music venues at our finger tips…no mobile phones either,. :astonished:

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Not just Apple but Android phones have one, too. They guarantee that updates will be available for four years or so . Without updates they soon become useless since they aren’t accepted by banks. Very annoying and simply profit-driven.

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I’m happy not to use my phone for banking, preferring to check my balance etc on my home PC, and when out, pay for stuff with a contactless card.

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All of my ‘repeats’ are sorted out by my nominated pharmacy and they deliver to my door on a monthly basis. I believe they submit my list to my NHS doc and then they dispense when the electronic scripts arrive.

hahaha, you are a cool person!

Gotcha with my humor. haha