I am just going outside and may be some time

Enjoy your cruise, Bruce! I’ve never been on a cruise ship. The most exciting vessels I’ve on were icebreakers in Canada.

Do it life is short.

Sounds exciting! I hope you have a wonderful time, Bruce. :smiley:

Hope you have a great time Bruce, at least you will have plenty of fresh air! :grinning:

Kazz, cruises for singletons are too expensive, 100% of the cost again, and I have to factor in about £20 a day dog care.

Just found my cabin and using my phone to log in:

Getting on board was hell, they haven’t got this covid thing sorted yet but the someone wrote P on my boarding card and I sailed though all the checks and queues

Haven’t moved yet so here is a nice picture of ANZAC Bridge and White Bay Power Stn

BTW the way it is freezing when I was waiting at the train station I had to get a jacket out of my bag, 20’C unbelievable for this time of year so cold!


I’m envious Bruce I would love to see the Pacific…have a great time

We’re off

Oh and it is raining!

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Bon voyage!!

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Just through Sydney Heads and into the Pacific

It is a bit rough so I wonder how some of the other passengers are fairing


Bruce, grab the helm and head back to Blighty. :laughing:

It may be raining here but I spoke to my brother last night and he said it was near freezing (literally) so perhaps not.

Look longer term, it’s going to be 14 degrees tomorrow!

Have a great time Bruce! Never been on a cruise but sometimes think about it.

When the ship docked back at Darling Harbour Viking Mars was parked behind us.

If you was to read all about my exciting adventures on high seas among the islands of the South Pacific I am slowly putting them up here:


I wonder what it was about your bag that they found suspicious Bruce? :grinning:
An enjoyable read over morning coffee by the way.

I think was just the fact that it was locked was the problem.

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And here’s me hoping it was something a bit more exciting :wink:

These days I keep my drugs in my backpack

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