How's your confidence now

or I’m drivin alright it’s all the others that’s wrong - they changed all the signpost and traffic lights""

I have two friends who, in general discussion, have questioned whether their elderly fathers should still be driving. However, they also realise that if their parents were no longer able to drive then the onus would be on them to taxi their parents about!

I am also aware of another friend who approached her parent’s GP and requested his help in persuading her father that he should give up driving, but the GP wouldn’t ‘interfere’.

Surely the answer would be for those over a specified age to be tested for eyesight and speed of reactions every so often?

I lost all confidence when I was “ordered” by the eye surgeon never to drive again .18 months later I took the DVLA eye sight test and passed easily so got my licence back., What I really want to know is can an eye surgeon order you not to drive? mine did and said the DLVA would be informed they never were but stupid like I surrendered my licence to drive

Last_Tango there is already a requirement to have an eye sight test every 3 years if over 70 to be able to drive and also not allowed to drive a vehicle seating 15+ people without a driving test for that

Far better to test youngsters after first 2 years as they have very little road skilled up to then

I intend to drive as long as I am able .
I would be lost without a car .

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My driving skills are legendary, I had an Annual High Speed Driving test until I took early retirement and then for the years after that when I could have had to return if necessary.

I sailed through it, even though I have minimal vision in my right eye.

When I say my driving was legendary, it was, but not in a positive way.

I was and still am, useless at parking.

It was the subject of many jokes and some video pranks.

I think another problem many older drivers have, is their flexibility. Many cannot turn their neck/body round too see what’s coming when pulling out, or reversing into the kerb for parking.

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Supposed to use yer mirrors Mupsy…
I’ll just keep a low profile and drive until I hit something…And even then it will probably be the walls fault…

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Yes, I know Foxy, but I still turn round to look at the space when reversing, too. Don’t you?

No Mups, when I drove vans you couldn’t see out of the back so you had to get used to using your mirrors. When I went to work for Royal Mail it was one of the requirements if you wanted to drive their vehicles.

Oh, I see.
I use both methods actually, I use my mirrors and look as well. Not sure I could get out the habit of turning round now. :smiley:

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I have a camera and sensors
( I am still rubbish at parking )

Yes, I forgot I’ve got those sensors which bleep too, but only on the back, not the front as well.
I wonder what it would cost to have front ones added now?

Parking sensor installation cost guide Car parking sensors are a lifesaver, especially in built up towns and cities with street parking. Find out how much it could cost to add to your car.

Looks like it’s dearer than I imagined, so think I’ll have to do without, but thanks anyway, Omah.

Confidence = Ok.