How's this for a cuddle bunny

Take a look at this adorable little chap belonging to a family member.
They just bought him about a month ago.
What a cutie ey.


He’s lovely. Looks like he’s smiling :grinning:

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He looks like he’s posing for the camera!
Cute! :heart_eyes:

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Awwwww love him. Is he a daschund?

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That soggy place on the floor is from where my heart just melted.

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Ahh he is truly adorable, and a real poser! :hugs:

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Aw he really is such a cutie! How could anyone resist that little face? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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So soft and cute, gorgeous!

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He looks such a happy chappy! :heart_eyes:

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Lovely jubbly!

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This is an old photo now. It was taken when my standard longhaired Dachshund was in his prime. We sadly lost him several years ago, when he was an old boy. But he always loved being held like a baby, with his back supported.



One of my Old English Sheepdogs was like that. Maggiemay was a huge heavy baby.

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Yes, Queenie. He is a Dachshund.
I must find out what they’ve called him.

Thanks for all the kindly comments. He looks so happy and cuddly, doesn’t he.


Gorgeous dog, Mups.
I love hairy Dachshunds, a friend had several over the years & one used to follow me around for a cuddle every time I was there.

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