How to ride on a duck

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When I was a lad 2 of these came onto the beach in Perranporth Cornwall. On the cliffs was a monitoring station recorded the sea height via under sea cables. These DUKWs were being used in connectikon with this operation

Sort of ducklike. I went on a cruise out of Broome in WA and I wondered how we would get from the beach to the vessel. We saw the boat coming and expected wet feet.

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I was in a pool the other day floating around on a large inflatable Pink Flamingo…does that count?
There will only be follow up photos if it does lol

Definitely ducklike I’d say.

BTW on that cruise I saw turtles and a Dugong.

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There were quite a few on the east coast beach resorts when we were kids taking holidaymakers on pleasure rides along the beach and into the sea, really exciting for us children. Mablethorpe was a favourite I seem to to remember… :blush:

Yes, we had a couple in Withernsea , I think they were being sold off not long after the war?

dukw I think they were called!

Wow! Loving the blog…
But, excuse my blonde headed ignorance…what is a Dugong? (I’d google but I’m lazy)

Pronounced like duck, but spelt as Dukw.

A local beach used to have two of them operating every summer, but now uses a larger version from the Vietnam era.

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It’s a big grazing sea animal, I read somewhere that they were where mermaids came from but they don’t look very mermaidy to me.


(Not my photo)

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Ok, thanks. Very much like a Manatee I guess.
And nothing like a mermaid lol
I think me on pink blow up flamingo is a better representation of what it is to be a mermaid :joy:

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I vaguely remember being told that Manatees are related to Dugongs but different, I haven’t a clue about the differences. They reminded me of a very large but slow seal without the sleek shape, they lumber.

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Exactly what I was thinking. They hardly appear graceful.
Mind you, neither am I when drifting around a pool straddling an inflatable toy lol

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