How to remove anchor bolts from concrete?

So…you don’t enjoy red faced females glistening with perspiration grunting with exertion ?

Most strange.


I bet if we ever get to see a pic it will be nothing like we imagined :wink:

I refer to the women’s matches as ‘ping pong’ :wink: and all that screeching is just awful

Yeah, quite bizarre how some folk are interested in the most tedious things.:090:

Get back out there in the rain…we need an update.

I can’t even remember if I actually explained what it is I’m doing, so let’s make this thread even more boring than it already is…

I’m replacing my driveway-to-garden gates.
A normal-sized fence gate is 3ft wide and the fence would normally be in two sections - the 3ft gate and a fixed panel of about 6ft separated by a post.

My previous gate was split into the two sections, but one half was the fixed panel, the other being a folding gate which ‘concertinered’ inwards making a larger opening space of around 4’6" wide. This was done to enable larger items of furniture to be carried through the gate then through the back patio doors into the back room of the house. These gates were made of trellis and ended up quite dilapidated and shabby, not to mention people could see into the garden, so they needed to be replaced by something more suitable - and more secure.

My new venture is to still have the two equal widths again but this time made of solid exterior 50" fence panels. One of them is fixed and the other I had made into two 25" pieces and my idea is to fix these on the side of the wall post and onto the middle post. These will open outwards like a double door, giving the same space as before. I do have a bit of room to play with because of the moving of the post bracket as I can either cut down the big fixed panel or screw a narrow lat onto one of the other gates. We’ll see how this develops. Watch this space for the next gripping instalment:101:

Have you lost the will to live yet, Rachel?:015:
My friends do say I’m not really this boring in real life. Honest!:102:

I imagine Rachel is feeling a bit like this at the moment!:105:

No this is really interesting but photographs are ESSENTIAL :smiley:

Wish I’d thought about photos before I took down the old gates…no matter, I’ll definitely get some sorted (somehow) of the completed article at the weekend, pending the weather! :smiling_face:

Floydy you posted pics on the OP so why can’t you do it now…? :confused:

Stock photos I think, not off his camera or phone.

Correct. Just copied images from the net. Doesn’t work with camera photos.

I once made a bolt for the door.

I hope it took you a lot less time than this:lol:

At this rate Floydy will be retired before he gets the gate back on:-p

It could all hinge on this moment. :lol:

It’s not taking a long time at all. I only have the weekends to do work like this, unlike most on this thread who are retired.
The rest of the time is digressing on this forum, which is mainly the time spent by others.

Seriously, I do hope you will be able to post pics.

I have been faced with gate dilemmas in the past which have rarely been resolved to my satisfaction … or at all! lol and I am always interested to see how others approach them.

There are no pics anyway to post right now, Rachel. There’s just a small area of concrete with the tops of bolts showing, that’s it. Unless some folk’s lives are that empty that they want photos of a bare piece of ground, I’ll leave you with this cliffhanger until the weekend when I’ll have time for more work. Until then, there really is nothing more to talk about:surprised:

Or you get one of those concrete framed benches similar to the ones the council uses. A business down my street has one in their front garden and it has been there for a decade now. I don’t think it is even fixed down.

I couldn’t find an exact photo but this is similar
