How should a successful life be measured?

The person judging is you.

Based on the question, you’re asking, maybe a better question would be, how do you define success?

And the potential reason for defining it is to inform how you choose to live your life. If you feel that we’re all just like ants, crawling around waiting to get squashed, why follow the laws? If you follow the laws because it’s less of a hassle than to be punished, then maybe success is not feeling hassled.

Or maybe success is getting through another day to. . . .?


I would say that success comes from within and is being happy inside your own skin…
It’s not about other people or wealth, but how you see yourself…
The ability to deal with anything life throws at you…
Thank you Mr Kipling…Both of you…


I agree, Bob. Each of us should have started off by defining success. It turns out that people understand different things about it. Maybe the words measure and even success trigger specific associations. I like your take since it’s not so much related to wealth, money, accumulated material things. A “successful life” can be the result of felicitous decisions and the way you lived your life in general giving you a deep inner satisfaction about how life has gone. This satisfaction and happiness will not be measured or judged by anyone but yourself.



By how counting how many who care enough to turn up for my funeral. Something I’ll never be able to do. :slight_smile:


You ceased. Others remain to mourn.

The reason for thinking that is because I went to a friend’s funeral just after Christmas and the place was packed out with family and friends. All those people caring enough to want to be there. Not particularly because of the cleverness or achievements of the deceased but more because people just liked him. That’s maybe the mark of success that counts in the end.


I can’t see the crematorium car park being over subscribed to on my demise…

Success is probably the wrong word to sum up someones life…
Successful what?

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I’m the black sheep, the unconventional one, but I’m at peace with myself, which is more than can be said for a lot of people.


Have you become “Comfortably Numb” ? :laughing:

I can show you where it hurts

You are only coming through in waves :wave:

I caught a fleeting glimpse… :grin: :guitar: :notes:

You would not understand :icon_wink: :notes: :guitar:

There’s a queue going through at crematoriums. The gathering before and after yours will fill the car park up. Also, a few might just go into your service by mistake, realise they have gone into the wrong one but just play along. Could help to fill a few seats. :slight_smile:

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I didn’t know everyone and was chatting to someone standing next to me in the foyer. Took a fairly lengthy conversation to realise we were there for different people. :slight_smile:


I’ve had that experience too Mart. They seem to rush them through very quickly these days and sometimes they overlap
It got so busy at our local crematorium (about five miles away) that they have built a new one not a mile from where I live. Will make a nice walk for friends living in the village, and save money and climate on the vehicles.

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Success? I have paid my debts to my country and family