How much could the state pension rise by next year?

I worked shift work for the best part of my working life, averaging with O/T 60hrs a week, I have my own home ,I have a private pension I’ve contributed to , its gone down 25% with the stock market over the past 8 months, Should that be taken into consideration when means testing, state pension rise will not compensate the loss, I’ve been at it long enough to know the losses will take years to recoup before it becomes what it was before the drop .Before any one say’s yes there have been good years but I’m 65 now and its no longer a long term investment.



I think Vlad has made some very valid points,as has caricature

That’s a very valid point … the rich just get richer … :+1:

It’s the poor wot pays the taxes and the rich wot finds a way not to … :angry: