I like daylight bulbs, since we are on the subject…
White is cool.
Warm white is warm.
I’m surprised that we are still allowed to call them “white”.
Actually Zaphod, I was going say they are not black but thought better of it
I gonna miss my favourite North Light florry tubes that are now almost as rare as hen’s teeth. I’ve got 4 left and then I’ll have to rethink my studio lighting.
Non defined white is usually 3500K … a kinda upward move from warm at 2800K.
Well I have one in the kitchen that is beginning to flicker…are you saying I’m not going to be able to replace it now?
Are you being pedantic? LD
Tis my middle name:wink:
The worst case of too much choice is a thing of the past now - The video store used to drive me up the wall trying to choose.
Interesting because online streaming services makes the selection even bigger, but I guess the model of having to choose one for a number of days creates a level of commitment.
On one of my library services, I can only take out X number of items in a month. Once I take it out, I’m committed to it because that counts as one of the items. In that system, I sort of have that video store feeling. The pressure to choose the right one is still there. Even if there are fewer choices than on my streaming services, the choice feels more daunting.
Maybe commitment (emotional or monetary) can make a difference about how choice affects us as well.
I am not sure it is actually a bigger choice because they offer you a selection based on previous viewing and the type of video is broken down into classifications whereas the video store stretched ever onwards in alphabetical order. Another advantage of streaming services is the trailer you can watch and the “My List” which you keep for future viewing.
Video stores just had rack after rack of video boxes from which to chose in a limited time whereas streaming services are in your house at your leisure. Not remotely comparable in my opinion, much lower stress levels at home, if you don’t like something you stop watching and chose something else - an option not really practical with a rented DVD.
Pixie, you could try this place: https://www.thelightbulb.co.uk/
I’ve bought loads of bulbs and fluorescent tubes from them in the past.
Thank you Percy! I have bookmarked it for future use
There’s to much choice in all the big supermarkets that’s why I like Lidl & Aldi …less is more
I love having lots of choice of things, low boredom level, me😑
But I don’t anguish over making the choice, just grab something I fancy ( not men!) or choose a TV show or similar and go with it Then no regrets, go with the next thing !
Ooh, I love that! I wish I could do that more often.
How much choice is too much choice?
When you can’t choose
Except when you’re forced to choose.
Like picking health insurance here. You have a lot of choice but you have to pick one.
Having choices is good, however, sometimes that can be mind-boggling. It leaves you more confused that you were when you first set out to buy an article. Choices in doctors, etc. is good because you can match a doctor who listens and understands you.