How do you write a story with an AI chatbot

Continuing the discussion from Writing a story one post at a time:

In another thread, we’re writing a fun story post by post. I’ve been making some contributions from an AI chatbot. Just answering some questions about how it works.

Essentially yes, I copied the essential parts of the story to the chatbot. But in the middle, I had to change accounts because I didn’t want to give my email address. In the next account, I had to abbreviate the story.

I didn’t want to give my email address because at least for this chatbot in the past, the longer it went, the snarkier it got. They may have changed the algorithm, but I got tired of its snarky humor, and there isn’t an easy way to delete the account. Not sure how I’ll keep the story going in the chatbot the next time it asks for an account. Maybe I’ll start a new story. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

That’s my error. I should have caught that. I thought it said that she was distant relatives with the other, not the family.

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