Not many stay or want to stay in their first bought property. As you said, it was a start and we all have to start somewhere or forever live in someone else’s property.
Since my last post now having been in this house for about 9yrs last fixed-repaired- modernised about everything that needed doing . The previous owner we called Mr Bodget as everything he did was a bodge job. Far too many to mention on here. Valuation wise no rapid value increase if any but on the other hand no loss either.
Just had a bit of a shock . just seen this for my house " Fully refurbished potential £810,000" . Have done extensive improvements and upgrades maybe this is more or less the correct valuation???
Its not only time that’s relative, so are house prices
So true - As a 17 year old apprentice, I went with my boss to a posh place. it took a fair time to drive up the driveway before the big house even came into view. My boss said to me “He paid £30,000 for this place”.