Holiday park guests in Newquay trash resort swimming pool


The Atlantic Reach in Newquay, Cornwall, discovered the vandalism on Sunday, which forced them to close the pool to be cleaned and checked for safety. The resort said wooden furniture worth around £2,000 was irreparably damaged.

Atlantic Reach, which provides holiday homes and also functions as a leisure centre for locals, said the matter had been reported to Devon and Cornwall Police. Manager Charlotte Masters said they were “utterly shocked” by the damage caused by the “sheer stupidity” of customers.

Ms Masters said she knew who had caused the damage after two residents came forward.

She said she was waiting to hear back from police regarding what action was to be taken.

I hope those responsible are identified, charged, tried, convicted, fined and forced to perform a lengthy period of community service … :angry:

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I agree.

‘Police Manager’ ? That’s a new one on me!

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I suspect the culprits are under twenty years old, have never worked, and are of white British origin ??
They should get three years community service, strictly enforced !!


I think you’ll find there is a tiny “.” after “Police” … :eyeglasses:


LOL - I think I need to enlarge my font size!

Or get a bigger screen - I use 24in nowadays … :desktop_computer:

Name and shame, not always the people you think who do this.

Look at the two responsible for assaulting Chris Witty. One was an Estate Agent.

They’re probably members of the Bullingdon Club … :wink: