Hello Mel and welcome to the forums
Hi Mel. Welcome to the site - hope you enjoy it here.
Ok then all, …except me of course teehee
Hi Mel
Why did you quit your job may I ask?
Thank you all sooooh much for saying hi. It’s grate to meat such a luvverly grope.
Start posting, when you feel ready, Mel,…were a friendly bunch here.
Hi percy. Is Putin on here then?
hi Pauline. How do I quote someone?
We’re the good loonies, Mel. Putin is a very bad 'un.
He may be mad Percy but even he sussed Liz Truss out LOL
Click on reply on the post you wish to quote, in the top left is a speech bubble, click this then it quotes .
like this
Yep, welcome by the way.

Click on reply on the post you wish to quote, in the top left is a speech bubble, click this then it quotes .
like this
Well of course!
Well you have been welcomed by the rabble now a welcome from those who wish to be part of the rabble as well
Hello, Mel.
helo Harbal