Here are some of my garden photos

So true.Nature is man’s best relaxation.

Lots of gorgeous flower and garden photos in this thread,thanks for sharing them all …the roses are lovely …if I knew how to get a photo on the post I would …

You need a server like Photobucket, it’s free to join & you can put all your photo’s on it so you can post them on forums.

My two most favourite roses at the moment for colour and perfume are, Evelyn May, a beautiful pinky/peach colour with a gorgeous heady scent, and a David Austin one called Lady Emma Hamilton - breathtakingly beautiful scent and a lovely soft apricot colour. I just love 'em.

Is that Tequila Sunrise Susie? #10

My favourites at the moment are Absent Friends, tiny rose bush but masses of flowers and a new one I bought called Moment in Time. Love roses!


Me too TessA. I’ll have to have a look at those two you said about. Do they have a good scent?

There must be some good gardeners around, beautiful photos.

I enjoy looking at garden pictures … Love them all.:slight_smile:

Some from my garden.

Even a couple with insects on them.:slight_smile:

Loving seeing the garden visitors folks, and Tiffany having Ransoms wood garlic must be delightful, love the smell of this aromatic plant in spring.

My garden is a mess, but it gets a few interesting visitors.

Green Lacewing, handy for keeping nasty s under control.

Brimstone Moth.

They’re gorgeous Curmudgeon, so is the photo

Beautiful pictures, as others have said could look at garden pictures all day long.

Nom, so is mine but like you we get lots of insects.:slight_smile:

Sorry TessA, I couldn’t tell you.

That is an unusual Cactus, Susie.

Yes, I don’t know what type, but all the bits on the side are babies, and you pick them off and plant them and they just grow again and this is the first time its flowered. I have baby one’s in pots everywhere.

Once I accidentally put my chin on it as I was looking out of the window and I had all pin holes of blood on my chin, then the Cat when and did the same thing, so we were both bleeding.

It does look rather spikey.
When my Uncle was alive he used to breed, is that the right word? Cacti. He had a greenhouse/conservatiory full of them, some so big they looked like the plant in The Little Shop of Horrors. Scared me silly they did, well I was only little.
I hope yours isn’t keen on blood.:smiley: