Help me expand my vocabulary?

Thank you. I have often used this word.

Hear this word often. I usually forget what it means. Always have to look it up.

Used many times by me.

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A good word when discussing trees is Dendrochronology. It’s the method of dating trees by ring counting.


discombobulate. = confuse



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as the heading is " Help me expand my vocabulary?
My contribution is " horizontal jogging" an in bed exercise. :roll_eyes:

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Non sequitur.

A reply that doesn’t follow logically from the previous statement.

Used a lot in comedies and politics.

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I like that, a nice word and I suppose we all have our own idiosyncratic tendencies.


I think intrinsic is a word often needed to describe or classify something.

A common word for me always discussing the Aussie Bush (countryside)

Often used by me, as I am surrounded by plenty of people who are discombobulated. :slightly_smiling_face:

I have used this word often. :slightly_smiling_face:

Gerund and snotters unknown to me.
I doubt I will ever use gerund. Snotters, definitely a UK specific word?

An often used word by me. :slightly_smiling_face:

Only used when learning a language

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predicament (awkward situation)
pusillanimous (cowardly)
comestible (adj:edible noun: food)

They’ve always amused me for some reason.

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I first encountered Gerund in school in English lessons.
Snotter is a sailing term for a yardarm.
It is also sniveling, mostly in Scotland.

How about bellicose?

I know this word through my love of crossword puzzles.

How about Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious?
Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious
If you say it loud enough you’ll always sound precocious

No idea what it means.

That long word means - Wonderful


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OK. Try neper ?

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I believe discombobulate is incorrectly derived from the cartoon series Pixie and Dixie, where Jinks the cat, who hated “mieces to pieces” invented a death-ray gun called a discombooberator.

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