Hello from a keen baker

Thankyou to you and others for such a warm welcome


@Conradd Hello and welcome keen baker. Yes, I do occasionally make fluffy sourdough challah, but for me it’s usually a 2day project, so I mainly make my standard whole wheat challah when the mood takes me; otherwise, it’s the sliced boring almost tasteless loaf from the supermarket.
Whole Wheat Challah - Easy Recipe | Shabbat, Rosh Hashanah (cinnamonshtick.com)


I’ve often fancied having a go at making Challah, looks so delicious.

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Welcome to OFC!


It is most certainly better than any commercially made bread and of course being homemade, always fresh without needing any kind of preservatives.
I also make matzo (unleavened) bread, which is sort of loosely related to British pancakes and goes really well with favourite cheeses when some best butter is spread.
Homemade Matzo (Matzah recipe) | Make your own Passover bread (bakedbree.com)


Hello Minx, I see you’re in South Africa, funnily enough I met my friends new boyfriend last night at her dinner party to introduce him.

He’s living in South Africa and seems smitten with her, they met on a dating app, so far the distance doesn’t seem to matter. Late 50’s

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You’ll have to upload some shots of your creations, I always enjoy seeing others bread love

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Yes, we’re now a global community notwithstanding the ole Brexit thingie, of course. :107:

Your friend is extremely fortunate and very blessed as all the apps I’ve been on are filled with scammers and all sorts of creepies. I usually delete my account within 24 hours of signing up and I’ve tried a few times already. I would have to get out to meet people organically but that’s a whole other story :102:

Enjoy your time here :023:


I’m one of the minority of Luddites who still does not own a smartphone, but if I do eventually find myself owning one, then your wish will be granted; but please do not hold your breath coz I’m 81 and still resisting :wink::point_right::grin::+1:

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Hello and welcome! Baking bread is one of the finer ways to spend a few hours, giving us the good excuse to linger around the house for a while. It is one of the rare traditions that ties us to generations going back thousands of years.

Send over a slice or two and I hope we see you posting often!


Thanks surferchic.
I did post some bread photos but they didn’t seem to show here in this thread so here’s another


That works, looks very tasty



Welcome to the forum Conradd, I think I already welcomed you on another post, but hey!..You can’t have enough welcomes…Although I don’t bake my own bread I just love bread…Any kind of bread, and all my working life I have taken sandwiches to work, and even in retirement I just love a nice sandwich most days for lunch…The more variable the bread, the better I like it…You are certainly turning out to be a member of the ‘Upper Crust’… :sunglasses:


Looks like a relief map of the lake district d00d… :nerd_face:


Cheers you kind people! Is it poor etiquette to post a few photos, I’m wondering? Might seem a bit needy, but I’m not needy lol, just enjoy sharing ideas and thoughts


Oh yeah!
Do I spy pepperoni, olives and fresh basil? :drooling_face::+1:


Yea! I’m not one for loads of cheese so these may offend the many cheese lovers out there.


They look perfect to me Conradd, better set another place at the table I’m on my way…

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Welcome Conradd.
A cage fighter and a baker eh? (not both at the same time obviously!)
Hope you enjoy the site. :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome to a friendly and informative forum Conradd.
Happy baking.

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